Webcomics Webconcert LIVE! at Mario’s Apartment
Have I told you about Blue? I probably should have mentioned Blue sooner. Blue is the guitarist that plays over at HELLO, THE FUTURE! She sits on her dining room table and plays songs about webcomics and Mathnet and feelings into her webcam for all her fans to enjoy from the comfort of their homes. Last month she did a Webcomics Webconcert via Ustream and played live OVER THE INTERNET, and it was made of amazing!
Why am I talking about this obviously awesome Internet musicianista? Because I’ll be hosting her next Webcomics Webconcert at my apartment!

She’ll be flying to California in September to attend w00tstock, and while she’s in town she’ll be doing another live performance from my apartment!
“How,” you ask, “how can I ever hope to attend this epic event when I am nowhere near Mario’s apartment?!” Well it just so happens that this Webconcert will be streamed OVER THE INTERNET JUST LIKE THE OTHER ONE from my house to all of yourses!
All you'll need to do is jump on the Webcomics Webconcert Ustream page on Saturday, September 18th at 6pm Pacific Daylight Time. I will also have an open invitation to any of my friends that live sufficiently locally to attend, and we’ll all go get dinner after the show!
While you’re waiting for the big event, go watch Blue’s past performances and get sufficiently pumped!
Why am I talking about this obviously awesome Internet musicianista? Because I’ll be hosting her next Webcomics Webconcert at my apartment!

She’ll be flying to California in September to attend w00tstock, and while she’s in town she’ll be doing another live performance from my apartment!
“How,” you ask, “how can I ever hope to attend this epic event when I am nowhere near Mario’s apartment?!” Well it just so happens that this Webconcert will be streamed OVER THE INTERNET JUST LIKE THE OTHER ONE from my house to all of yourses!
All you'll need to do is jump on the Webcomics Webconcert Ustream page on Saturday, September 18th at 6pm Pacific Daylight Time. I will also have an open invitation to any of my friends that live sufficiently locally to attend, and we’ll all go get dinner after the show!
While you’re waiting for the big event, go watch Blue’s past performances and get sufficiently pumped!
Looking forward to it!
Unfortunately, I think I'm driving home that weekend for my grandfather's 80th birthday, so I may not be able to tune in.
I think that's basically how the comic started.
(original post edited to add link to the Webcomics Webconcert Ustream page!)
Less than one week until Webcomics Webconcert LIVE! at Mario's Apartment!
Fewer than seven days!
In the interim, please listen to this exciting new song! You will recognize the tune...
Anybody up for a ride around the world?
Any forumites that take a trip around the world for the webconcert (even only partway around the world) will get a ride from the airport and floor-crash space. And you can take that to the bank!
Make it so. But throw in a reference to the apparent sanity of Over There or something.
Or don't. Whatever works for you.
Just not today.
That's how GTD works.
the...the blood bank?
Also, I assume this will be recorded for future viewing? I'll try my best to VPN, proxy, or other technobabble myself into seeing it live, but sometimes live streams don't work so well to China. We'll see though.
Probably drunk, also.
Fuck it all, I can't make it. I have to work Sunday, because we have a holiday the following Wed-Fri, which means we all work part of the surrounding weekends to make up for it.
Damn it all.
If you're planning on attending (whether in virtual space or meatspace), I'd appreciate it if you RSVP'd on the Facebook event and/or Ustream page so we can get a better idea of head count. Excitement builds!
Oh, and any particular time you want to drop me back off?
Google Maps says my place is a 15 minute drive from the station (via freeways). I'd recommend public transportation if the timing's right.