Sign labeled Orange Belt with orange circle in middle, from the Allegheny County Belt System of county roads in Pennsylvania

The Orange Belt Community Podcast

A sometimes-updated broadcast providing news and commentary for The Orange Belt community.

Copy-paste this URL into your podcatching software of choice to subscribe and receive regular updates.

Episode 8

November 5th, 2008
Host: Mario

A call to arms! Mario talks about how we need stuff to talk about. Isn't it ironic, don't you think?

"Discipline" is licensed under Creative Commons by-nc-sa. "Space Doggity" is licensed under Creative Commons by-nc. For more information, please visit Creative Commons.

Episode 7: March 7th, 2008
Host: The Orange Belt Hosting Server (definitely not Hamelin)

The Orange Belt hosting server chastises us all for our laziness, and makes an episode all on its own! The Singularity in action? A Portal reference? You make the cake- er, call.

Episode 6: April 1st, 2007
Host: Jake

The Justin Timber-Lake Fan Podcast returns in full force! Listen to Professor MacJake as he fawns over our favorite pop star! Like he does every week! JUSTIN YOU'RE THE BEST!!!

Episode 5: July 1st, 2006
Host: Hamelin

Hamelin takes the proverbial (and literal?) reins in episode five ('V'?)! Enjoy this veritable plethora of audio snippets pieced together into a sensical narrative, all to the tune of various animes, because anime music is cool.

Episode 4: May 9th, 2006
Host: Jon

Episode four has been hijacked... for SCIENCE! Jon mans the helm in this long-delayed episode, tackling a broad variety of topics from the other side of the globe!

Episode 3: December 20th, 2005
Host: Mario

A challenger has entered! Welcome to episode three! Orange Belt admin Mario takes the mic in this seminal performance! You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll probably not do either of those things!

Episode 2: October 14th, 2005
Host: Jake

Who wants pizza? It's episode two! Revel in awe as real jobs face off against message boards in the battle of a lifetime! Sob with uncontrollable joy as people have birthdays! And *gasp* comic updates?!?

Episode 1: September 29th, 2005
Host: Jake

The first episode evAR! whatisgoingon and kobe54 get banned! The Orange Belt webcomic authors are teased for lackadaisical updating habits! And the Vince Guaraldi Trio play into the night.




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