The barbeque pit-bike is a nifty idea... too bad the guy designed it with the pit facing the wrong way. How can you ride and grill at the same time like that?
The site won't load for me. I have a bike with polka dots, but that's efficient, it goes faster because of them.
Cubert: "Hey, Leela, help me put these flame decals I got in my cereal box onto the spaceship. They'll make it go faster!"
Leela: "And what's your scientific reason for this belief?"
Cubert: "I'm twelve."
I'm going to be ao disappointed with my boring ordinary bike now, oh well I guess I'll just have to dream of a crazier mode of transport, maybe one day if I wish hard enough...
Yarr! Shiver me......sprockets.
The Wild Wacky Action Bike! The bike that's hard to ride! Wild Wacky Action Bike is almost impossible to steer! And look, it glows in the dark!
Yay Futurama!
Even if everyone has already seen it, there is an obligation to post this everytime Rune Goldberg is mentioned.
I think that one was actually on How the Grinch Stole Christmas.