Comic #44: In Which Skippy Performs a Break-In (9/9/07)
I think Skippy just discovered his inner nerd.
This was originally gonna be two separate parts, but I figured it was taking me so long already, it might be confusing if there wound up being as much time between the two parts as there was between this and #43.
I bet you thought I was finally gonna show an actual Pokemon battle. Nope, not yet.
The prophecy has been fulfilled!!
My card blocks 40 damage!
"Butters for the menu!"?
"Butlers sass the menu!"?
Am I close?
opens the menu"
Are all the Espeons hinting at a future cameo?
As it stands right now, aside from the new Crap-eons, Espeon is probably the least likely to make an appearance in the near future. It's not that I plan out too many individual comics in advance, but I do know some of the characters that may eventually show up... and Espeon's not there right now.