Terrible news....

edited July 19 in Books

The author of the Wheel of Time series (and many other books, though I haven't read them.) died today. It wasn't entirely unexpected, but still really sad. I just started the series and am currently on book 2. I suppose it will never be finished...


  • edited September 2007
    I read the first one, but those books are too long for me, I had trouble staying interested.
  • edited September 2007
    I read all 11. I've been waiting on the last book. This news just kills me. Especially since my nice graphics card died the day before and I have no money to replace it at this time. That seems a petty now, but they say bad things come in threes. I'm still one short. At this rate I'm half expecting to be told I can't graduate for some silly reason, nevermind that graduation is Thursday.
    I'm just bummed. I can't imagine what that's like. To have worked so long on a project that could be described as one's life's work only to die before before being able to finish it. I believe WoT will be finished, but obviously not by "Robert Jordan".
  • edited September 2007
    I don't know who he is, but anyone dying sucks. RIP and all that...
  • edited September 2007
    :( that's sad to hear... I haven't read the books, but I've heard that they're really good. I hope someone does pick up the series, in a sort of dedication to the guy. Was there only supposed to be one more book in the series?
  • edited September 2007
    Yes, but it was going to be a huge book. Long enough to be two, but the guy said there were no good breaks in there so it needed to be one big book.

    ...I can't imagine he got all that far considering his state of health for the last while. :(
  • edited September 2007
    I hope he had notes on how he wanted to finish the series so someone can finish the legacy properly.

    It sucks when good people have to die, and bad people get to live.