Shit, look, I'm guilty of giving this thing more play-by-play and fanfare than it deserves. Doing this will only make me seem like more of an asshole when I don't follow through. Hang tight. It'll come up eventually.
Yeah, I was on the other day. From my perusals of the forums, pretentious e-girls like tapirs?'s a smelly, delicious animal. WTF?
I just think it's pretentious to come out and say you're going to do this whole epic saga when you don't have the story already written, you have no expertize in writing sagas, and your art skills are sub-par!
Thanks guys! Hey, the links on the side were all hasty thrown together, so I know I didn't get everybody. Who's got a site? It doesn't even have to be good. (I mean, I put JAKE'S blogger site up there.)
Make me s'more!
(the above describes me!)