Comic #48: In Which Characters Are Developed... I Think. (10/29/2007)

At the beginning of the month, I set a goal to be at comic #50 by Halloween. Even though it's the 29th and I'm only at #48, I intend to keep that goal. Expect to see a crappy three- or four-panel comic tomorrow.
I thought it was kinda funny how stuffed animals are still fairly successful even though most of the denizens of their world are cuter than the stuffed animals themselves. Then again, people in our world bought those TERRIFYING dolls from the forties and earlier... seriously, those things are creepy.
Ignore the crappy Eevee. I only colored it because it was on the same page, and it looked better beforehand.
I like this one, because even though I drew them completely unrelated, it looks like Santa is blasting Charmeleon off the roof with his finger. Also, I like those jack'o'lanterns. Somebody should make a webcomic about jack'o'lanterns.
Ah, the simple joys of the elephant slide... it stinks you can't actually use them.
EDIT: never mind, he's standing on the counter. Those panels are so damn confusing the more you look at them!