Roller coasters of fun a.k.a. earthquakes

edited October 2007 in General
Well, due to recent events, where I live, who has felt a descently sizable earthquake. Also, where and when?

For me, I have felt 2 that have shaken me well. The first one is the infamous 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake. That was 7.1 on the ricter scale. That one shook real well. I was putting away dishes at the time and then it struck. And amazingly, the school training worked out well. I did the ol' duck and cover. I was 4 miles from the epicenter for that one.

The one today. 5.6 on the ricter scale. I was once again in the kitchen, but cooking dinner this time. This one is slightly less infamous. Shook me less well. Still a good shaker. I would compare it to a shaking of a british nanny. I was 10 miles away from this one.


  • edited October 2007
    The ground is stable around these parts. No shakes at all. It seems like it'd be interesting to experience a moderate earthquake, but I'm not sure I'd like to live where the ground might shake.
  • edited October 2007
    I was in the Loma Prieta one, though I was too small to remember. My mom had set me in my chair thing, which was right next to our big tv entertainment center. She was on the phone with my grandmother at the time. Suddenly, I started crying, so my mom put my grandma on hold (no easy feat, she talks a lot) and came to pick me up. She turned around, and hadn't walked five steps when the earthquake hit. She ran to the other side of the room under the doorway, and sat on the ground holding me, while she watched the entertainment center fall onto the chair I was sitting in moments before.

    Kinda freaky. My mom was quite distressed for awhile...

    Now that I'm off to college though, I missed this one. Wish I coulda felt it, just to see what they're like.
  • edited October 2007
    I hope everyone is ok!
  • edited October 2007
    We don't get earthquakes here. We just get tornadoes. But yeah, I think it would be interesting to experience one as long as no one got hurt.
  • edited October 2007
    Yeah, everyone is fine here. I have not heard of any reports of injuries or major damage anywhere, it was just nature keeping us on our toes.
  • edited October 2007
    haha, i like that EVERYONE around here felt this thing but me. I was driving at the time, and totally didn't notice, which is kinda sad. I almost enjoy the non-devastating yet hard enough to feel earthquakes. I got two calls while driving from people saying "did you feel the earthquake?" The first time i just blew it off. the second time i was like ummm... no, when was this? and then i found out it was WHILE I was on the first phone call. heh heh heh. go me.
  • edited October 2007
    There are no weather phenomenon here cept for the blizzards!
  • edited October 2007
    No, you had an earthquake a few years ago, too. I've slept through 2 earthquakes that I know of. The first was maybe 5 or 6 years ago, it originated in upstate NY. It was a 3, or just under a 3. The second was when I was in Japan. I forget when, ask Serephel. But it was also light enough for me to sleep right through it.
  • edited October 2007
    UK is a (mostly) earthquake-free zone!
  • edited October 2007
    I'm a little too far north, so I didn't feel the quake. I didn't know about it until I saw all the messages from my mom on my cell phone. Guess she was worried about me when I didn't call her back. Sorry Mom!