Hot Cosplay
So, I found this website with a really hot and really awesome cosplay. I've always told my friends I love a girl in a Chozo Power Suit.
Here's a sample:
Here's a sample:

It makes me sad though, that this girl can make me and thousands of other males salivate so easily. Yet another reason to make me feel inferior...
Not you what?
That's what I was thinking.
I'm mostly excited because this girl obviously likes video games, something very rare in females. It's not a perfect indicator of fitness, obviously.. some video game/anime girls are totally annoying or complete bitches, but it's still cool. But I do think she's attractive.
That being said, just because a girl cosplays does not mean she likes video games, or even knows the identity of the characters she portrays. Girls are just like guys, my friend. There exists a variety of them. Except they have vaginas.
And as for your second statement... well, I suppose that's possible, but this particular girl lists gaming as her interests on her profile page, so I think it's reasonable to say that she probably likes video games.
Well, I love the Playstation version, anyway. I haven't played many others, except for the GameCube version. I did not like it at all.
My fiancee can't play them because she's unable to make maps in her head, and she gets lost almost immediately.
Hell, I could draw out every last house in Ocarina of Time!
One of my ex girlfriends was one of those girls who played a lot of games only because of me. I gave her credit, she kept trying to get involved in stuff so we could have stuff to share together, but it just wasn't her thing.
That's the other thing. Some girls are legitimate about gaming, and others actively try to do it. You have to sort those out.