resident wiivil
So I picked up Umbrella Chronicles this weekend, and i have to say, it can get a "Hell yea!"
It kinda hurts your wrist to hol the wiimote like a gun for long periods of time, but I'm guessing the gun attachment will solve that. Totally worth checking out. (By the way, it covers Resident Evil 0, 1, and 3, both from the main characters' perspectives as well as some cool alternate ones, like Rebecca in RE1 and wesker for all of 'em. And all the main missions can be either 1 or 2 player.) I'd give it an 8 out of 10.
It kinda hurts your wrist to hol the wiimote like a gun for long periods of time, but I'm guessing the gun attachment will solve that. Totally worth checking out. (By the way, it covers Resident Evil 0, 1, and 3, both from the main characters' perspectives as well as some cool alternate ones, like Rebecca in RE1 and wesker for all of 'em. And all the main missions can be either 1 or 2 player.) I'd give it an 8 out of 10.
Not to mention that I'd probably have to change my aiming hand to be comfortable.
I'm sure the Zapper is good with Link's Crossbow Training, and Ghost Squad, though.
Sill, I have been holding off on getting the PS2 version of RE4 because I don't want to be stuck with an inferior port if I ever get a Wii.