Re-encountering a Forgotton Friend...

edited December 2007 in Movies and Shows
Well, went to see National Treasure: Book of Secrets today (which was as AWESOME as the first one. If you don't like it, fuck you). My sister was with and stuff. We were too lazy to go out and eat at a restuarant (plus, who wants to wait at this time?). Any way, we were walking to subway in the food court. I was walknig by, and I did the biggest double take I've ever done in my life.


Now, what you may not know is that I was planning to get together with her at Ski Club...but I didn't make it in because all of the spots were taken. I was depressed, because I knew this meant that I wouldn't be able to see her for a whole nother year. But, this is all too weird! My sister takes me to a movie on a random day, we were going to go at 7, but her fiancee got out of work early, so we went early, we didn't go to a restuarant, and BAM! I think God was kind of saying, "Hey, I'm sorry about Ski Club.".

So, I awkwardly introduced her to my sister, and just asked how things were going. And then I kind of left to get my food. The whole time I sat down, peeking at her, and her friend was always looking back at me. I was hopeful that she'd give a shit and come and talk, but that didn't happen.

What a bittersweet reunion.

I feel angry at myself for not talking more.
I feel happy that I got to see the love of my life.
I feel sad, because I know I couldn't get her anyways.
I feel proud, for realizing that it was the best not to talk to her.
I feel anxious, because know I feel like I have to close this once and for all.
I feel confused, because I'm just a dumb kid who doesn't know what the fuck to do.

That is all.


  • edited December 2007
    What a coincidence! I'm gonna see Book of Secrets tomorrow night! I can only hope it's as sidesplittingly hilariously awful as the first film.
  • edited December 2007
    Now I mean the following unsarcastically: Nicholas Cage is one of my favorite actors because he just likes having fun with movies and doesn't care if it's bad. I mean, if it's good he won't turn it down (I assume. I have to admit I haven't seen many of his movies. Raising Arizona is one of the better movies I've ever seen) but he'll be in things like The Wicker Man and show up in Rob Zombie's trailer to Werewolf Women of the S.S. (which I would LOVE to see made into an actual flic.)

    EDIT OF: Oh ho on second glance of this thread: I'm sorry Carter, your post seemed TL;DR so I immediately read Mario's one-sentence post and assumed this thread was about Nicholas Cage. But hey man, no matter what decision you made in that situation you were going to gain valuable experience points, so here's to growing up! Just...just relax on the internet vandalism.
  • edited December 2007
    mario wrote: »
    What a coincidence! I'm gonna see Book of Secrets tomorrow night! I can only hope it's as sidesplittingly hilariously awful as the first film.

    Hey, you make the film seem totally bad. It's a bad-good film!

    EDIT: Carter, Rohypnol + Coke.
  • edited December 2007
    I think you already suggested that. :p
  • edited December 2007
    I'm sorry Carter, your post seemed TL;DR so I immediately read Mario's one-sentence post and assumed this thread was about Nicholas Cage.

    Haha, I'm just awesome that way.
  • godgod
    edited December 2007
    AXE TO THE FUCoh, wait. Thats... not really going to help in this situation. Although, comparing this and previous posts to a situation I was in for a couple of years, I don't know if you should really call her "the love of your life". It just seems like the kind of thing you might look back at and kind of laugh about. Then again, I'm probably one of the worst people here to take relationship advice from.
  • edited December 2007
    I like how this thread is simultaneously about Nicholas Cage and Agentcel's personal life!

    Anyone ever see him in 9mm? That movie is fucked up. I love it.

    Sometimes, you just have to realize that you're not always going to hook up with the girls you want. It's a painful lesson that often requires learning over and over again. Sometimes you find yourself infatuated with a woman who feels like such an awesome match for you, even though for whatever situational reason it will never happen.

    Best thing to do is move on. Or move to Asia where whiteys like me have an easier time finding women. Either is fine.
  • edited December 2007
    No no! Best thing to do is put yourself in the most hot-water situation you can imagine! Later on you'll be glad for the story, and the experience will make you a better person!
  • edited December 2007
    Hot-water situation? Such as?
  • edited December 2007
    Declaring your love for someone (very loudly) in a public place, like Wal-Mart.

    Feel free to stand up on the "Simpsons' Movie" display while you do it.
  • edited December 2007
    Such as moving to Pittsburgh or giving her a car or moving in with someone you met on an internet forum OH WAIT THAT LAST ONE WORKED OUT, BUT I GUESS IT'S STILL A GOOD STORY.
  • edited December 2007
    god wrote: »
    I'm probably one of the worst people here to take relationship advice from.

    Actually, the worst would be me, based on experience.
  • edited December 2007
    National Treasure was awful.

    Let this girl go.

    Heh, John almost received oral sex in a Greyhound bus lavatory.
  • edited December 2007
    I have, it was just a real rollercoaster to unexpectedly see her.
  • edited December 2007
    She touched my penis! I think she was on the rag though, because she wouldn't let me return the favor!

    ...if giving blueballs is a favor.
  • edited December 2007
    This thread is about 3 different subjects now? CRAZY!
  • edited December 2007
    I can contribute to none of them!

  • edited December 2007
    No problem, I think I killed it mostly dead (with a little help from a new-member growth rate of 0%!).
  • edited December 2007
    Let's add a fourth and I'm surprised no one mentioned it:

    You spelt "forgotten" wrong.
  • edited December 2007
    Yes! Someone else noticed! I was this close to calling you out on it.
  • edited December 2007
    Book of Secrets:

    I liked it. Action-packed, and didn't take itself too seriously. There were a few "wtf" moments when plot holes appeared or when motives were called into question, but like I said, "didn't take itself too seriously." There was not one unattractive woman in this movie.
  • edited December 2007
    The only movie with Nicholas Cage in it (that i've seen) that didn't suck was Lord of War.. That movie was awesome. In all the other ones he's just one of those actors that play themselves... It seems like he has the same roles and gestures and dialogues and whatnots in every single movie. Kinda like Adam Sandler.
  • edited December 2007
    Lord of War WAS good until the epilogue at the end. It was a sweet flic about a dude sticking it to the man and profiteering off of death and they went and ruined it by trying to squeeze a political message out of it, not unlike blood from a stone.

    ALSO: I highly recommend Raising Arizona. If you've already seen it and that's one of the movies you didn't like, then we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
  • edited December 2007
    Where can I get a dictionary...?
  • edited December 2007
    The internet?
  • edited December 2007
  • edited December 2007
    What's everyones opinions on Matchstick Men? I only saw it once and I'm still trying to figure out if it was good or not.
  • edited December 2007
    John, how was your almost-blowjob?
  • edited December 2007
  • edited December 2007
    Awww, but Khan and I sprung to your defense! And Stef too, if I recall.