Killer Bunnies

edited July 19 in Games
Wow, today I just had my best “Killer Bunnies” game in my life. Well this is how it ended

1. I had 3 normal bunnies (one was the highest enlisted bunny), and 2 specialty bunnies each worth 3 (one was the highest officer bunny)
2. I had all the carrot except for 9 (6 for my mom and 3 for my sister)
3. And then when they drew the zodiac it was the Capricorn ( I had that zodiac, It is my zodiac, and its is the current zodiac)
4. And finally I had the most money ( a whooping 1 dollar)

Ok so then (because of the zodiac) I moved my mom’s bunny so I got her 6. Then (also from the zodiac) I was able to steal 3 carrots from my opponent with the highest amount (my sis). So in the end I won with an amazing zodiac and ALL of the carrots.

I don’t know if you guys play “Killer Bunnies”, but I’m just telling you about the best I’ve ever done 9 (and will ever do again). :D


  • edited December 2007
    Tell me more about this game. I'd Wiki it, but I like hearing people explain things. It helps me to understand that topic AND the person at once. Two stones with one bird if you will.
  • edited December 2007
    Ok, this is a game where you get and kill bunnies, and thru out this card game you collect carrots and in the end they draw (from a deck of small carrots that look the same) the magic carrot and whoever have that carrot and an alive bunny wins. So you can have 19/20 carrots and 10 bunnies and still lose to some one with 1 carrot and 1 bunny. It is one of the most pointless games ever but is very fun.

    They have strange cards such as:

    Play Immediately: While carrying an anvil one of your bunnies stumbles upon a patch of quicksand

    Whisk: may be played on any bunny which must role higher than 1 to survive (one of the weakest weapons in the game)

    Happy Scrappy Hero Pup: May be used once to immediately fetch (return) any carrot that was taken or stolen from any player….

    And the list goes on with stranger and stranger cards for about 4 decks (About 4 inches thick each). We even have novelty cards that our game store gives out every once and a while like this one bunny card with bunnies that all look like there characters from “lord of the rings”
  • edited December 2007
    I like the Clerks reference with Happy Scrappy Hero Pup.

    Who distributes this card game; do you know?

    Does everybody have their own deck (like in Magic: the Gathering) or do all players share a deck (like in Go Fish)?

    I noticed the part about "role[sic] higher than 1 to survive". Do many cards work in conjunction with dice?
  • edited December 2007
    Everyone shares a draw pile.

    And most of the cards you do have to use dice ( there are the red, blue green, purple, orange, pink, black, blue, white, and the 20D) And all of the color ones are D12

    And I Believe “PlayRoom Entertainment” are the distributers
  • godgod
    edited December 2007
    Wait, so d12s have a use now? I've looked through my D&D books quite a bit for uses, and I've found very few.
  • edited December 2007
    Most of the dice are d12s in Killer Bunnies. Then there is 1 d20 and a dice with all of the Zodiac signs on it.
  • edited December 2007
    Ohhh... that's so sweet... I want a die with all the Zodiac signs on it...
  • edited December 2007
    Sounds like a rockin' game.
  • edited January 2008
    lol, the only time I ever used a D12 in D&D was when our DM thought it would be funny to see how long all of the male character's penises were. It was a traveling day... we (in real life) were all tired... it seemed like a funny thing to do at the time.
  • edited January 2008
    I thought charisma determined that.
  • godgod
    edited January 2008
    So, you take an average size, and apply your charisma modifier?
  • edited January 2008
    There should not be rules for that!
  • edited January 2008
    I always thought of Charisma as the readily perceivable things that make a person likable (AKA looks and personality). I just don't get how Charisma would play into that unless you lived in a naked society. 1D12 seems a fine way to determine penis size. 2D6 seems better. If it has to be based on any stat though I'd think it would be Constitution.
  • edited January 2008
    Dear god, would there be racial modifiers?
  • edited January 2008
    Perhaps dexterity should be considered as well.
  • edited January 2008
    And reload time!
  • edited January 2008
    Ok, First thing BEST GAME EVER!!!

    2) HOLY FREAKING SHIT YO freaking awesome game.


    Number Next, atleast 3/4ths of the cards in the game use the dice, all but like 2 are D12's (zodiac and D20) and theres a black, white, pink, red, blue, green, yellow, purple, and orange dice (zodiac is black, D20 is clear) a pawn for almost every die color, and 715 cards if u get all the decks.

    Lastly, Kinder Bunnies (Their first adventure) cards and dice can also be put into the game throwing in 5 10 sided dice.

    And as previously said BEST GAME EVER!!!!!
  • edited January 2008
    Oh right! I also the Lord of the Bunnies from the omega series if you have another one of know someone who I can get it off of. Damn out of print cards.
  • godgod
    edited January 2008
    Zalidor wrote: »
    2 are D12's (zodiac and D20)
    A... Are you implying that d20s are d12's? Or did I completely misread that?
  • edited January 2008
    Nah, he(she?? sorry) said all but 2 were D12s, and then listed the two that weren't. I think thats what was being said, anyway!
  • godgod
    edited January 2008
    Ok, I see. I guess I just completely misread it.