I think the special activated on the glasses girl (which, having gotten it once before, is the hands-down strongest special attack) is enabled every time you get a boost from one of the other girls, and it goes away once you hit the ground and bounce.
The girl that blocks the other girls has a special attack when you hit a certain girl also, I think that's the second best one.
I. Hate. This. Game. I can't friggin win. Best I got was about 1500.
Try starting off with a very low, near 0 angle with as high a power as you can get. If the first person is a boost you will shoot off to a good start. If you wait till you start coming back down from that first hit and rapidly fire off a red boost, the blue boost and another red boost, and then your final red boost again when you come back down again, you can dang near cover the first 1500 or more without ever hitting the ground. I like to chain those boosts at some point usually, because they can increase your horizontal speed by around 40m/s. I used this tactic in combination with a lot of luck to achieve that blistering 130 m/s speed. You can cover a LOT of ground at those speeds.
I got over 5000 yesterday. I was lucky enough to get the double boost bonus (one of the specials when the one girl blocks you) and then the glasses girl special, I think I went about 360m up. Theres also another special from when you get blocked where you fly in a straight horizontal line just above their heads, and after about a minute, you shoot up at about a 45 degree angle. It's awesome.
Look, a distraction!
The girl that blocks the other girls has a special attack when you hit a certain girl also, I think that's the second best one.
Try starting off with a very low, near 0 angle with as high a power as you can get. If the first person is a boost you will shoot off to a good start. If you wait till you start coming back down from that first hit and rapidly fire off a red boost, the blue boost and another red boost, and then your final red boost again when you come back down again, you can dang near cover the first 1500 or more without ever hitting the ground. I like to chain those boosts at some point usually, because they can increase your horizontal speed by around 40m/s. I used this tactic in combination with a lot of luck to achieve that blistering 130 m/s speed. You can cover a LOT of ground at those speeds.