Comic #52: Performance Review? (1/19/2008)

Pichu's being possessed is a loose reference to Earthbound's Ruffini the dog, through whom the developers would give out useful hints. There's a follow-up to this comic coming soon, which sorta gives it a proper ending.
While making this comic, I realized that Pichu has incredibly short arms. I had to mess around a lot to make that third-to-last panel doable. I also realized that my comics are starting to get too long. It's a good thing Pokemon don't talk in the games; they're way too chatty.
Think I was too harsh on Eevee? I feel kinda bad. Also, could somebody go to the Art section of the site and check if the picture links are working? They were acting kinda wonky for me earlier, and I didn't have any time to do anything about it.
I'm waiting for you go Charlie Brown with Pichu.
Yeah, I checked the art section again, and things seem to be working now. That one mess-up, I think, is just a broken link. I'll fix that.