Comic #53: Brainwashing is the way to go (1/24/08)

Eevee knows too much. She must be stopped.
You may be wondering why I called Pichu a raccoon. Well, according to SCIENCE!!, rodents are characterized by their large, constantly-growing incisors. You know... buckteeth. Pichu doesn't have those, so I figure he's closest to a raccoon. And when's the last time you saw him playing nice with a toaster? ...see? It all fits.
(relavant DeviantArt)
And this makes 1000.
Random picture. The background is real similar to that really old Pichu and Eevee battling picture I did forever ago. I like checkered floors.
I've been way too busy to make comics lately, so I've just been drawing small pictures. I'm sorry.
Happy V-day! Eevee hates this cutesy crap. Too bad for her.
There'll probably be a new comic this weekend.