I actually have a project in my computer class at school to design a CD case and CD (front sheet, back sheet, inside sheet, and actual CD), and I was seriously considering using this method to start me off. She said we'd have to upload our own photos since she doesn't want to encourage plagiarism (but it's on wikipedia, ANYONE can use those right??), so maybe I could create one I like and then try to use the idea with something I make myself. I think it'd be funny, but.... I'll probably just going to end up making something that requires very little effort. Sounds like a fun assignment-- it's my first real experience with photoshop; I'm getting a Macbook Pro with Photoshop on it soon, but before now I've never been able to just play around with the program. I'm looking forward to photo manipulation, sweet!!
Best band name ever? Clearly!
Best one so far, by a longshot:D