Premature journalistic ejaculation

edited July 19 in Politics
I've never been a big fan of news channels, because I always feel that the news is condescending to me. They report shit to us that they feel is the most interesting, regardless of what is more important. Yesterday Kosovo declared its indepedence, which was at the front of The Economist, yet it was hidden in the World section of CNN, behind some celebrity bullshit I don't remember on the front page.

I do go to CNN for political information, as I'm curious about the Democratic primaries. They try to keep it up to date, and it sometimes bothers me less than other American news sites. At the time of this writing, they were declaring Obama the projected winner of Wisconsin. Then I looked at the actual data for Wisconsin.

5% had reported results.

Yet at the front of the page, it says in gigantic letters, "Obama and McCain win Wisconsin primaries, CNN projects"

This premature journalistic ejaculation is just ridiculous. I feel like they are being insulting and condescending, not to mention a little elitist by declaring somebody the winner when 95% of the fucking state has yet to report their results.

Does this bother anybody else, or am I just becoming a crotchety old man?


  • edited February 2008
    Maybe you're just too preoccupied with all this ejaculation.

  • edited February 2008
    Hey now, ejaculation is one of the best words available. It has other uses outside of a sexual context, but it's impossible to use ejaculation in a sentence without making people inevitably think about sex.

    Schadenfreude is another awesome word, even if it is a loan word from Germany.
  • edited February 2008
    Whatever, Germany takes plenty of English words and sticks them back into the language. THINGS HAVE COME FULL CIRCLE.
  • edited February 2008
    on the whole I agree with you, Ryan, but I think in this particular case they were justified in calling it early for Obama, given the exit polls as well as the lead he's had in polls running up to this.

    Now, if they call one of the closer states (Texas, Ohio, etc) that early, then we certainly have something to be suspicious about. But I think that they've more or less learned their lesson since 2000.

    Now, if they would only stop being so condescending and declaring winners in their editorial analysis...
  • edited February 2008
    I suppose you're right, Obama was slated to win anyway. But declaring a projected winner after 5% seems pretty sketchy to me.

    They're still motivated to produce the news first, to get more viewers, because sadly, news is a business. And that is exactly what happened in 2000, so I hope you're right in that they learned their lesson.

    Well, I'll pay attention in some of the really close states and see how they report that.
  • edited February 2008
    Maybe it's just a comment on the abysmal voter turnout...... It's pretty much the same over here

  • edited February 2008
    Premature Journalistic Ejaculation?


    Need I say more?
  • edited February 2008
    You sure seem to know a lot about what goes on in American politics. Are you SURE you're British?
  • edited February 2008
    That only helps to strengthen his case for being British. American's know nothing of politics, while all other countries spend most of their time worrying about American politics.
  • edited February 2008
    Too Bloody right we do. All we hear in the news now is how the super-delegates are gonna break the stalemate that might rise between Obama and Clinton at the Democratic Convention.

    But how much coverage will the next UK election get in America? Almost none.
  • edited February 2008
    Ha! So we ARE as important as we make ourselves out to be!
  • edited February 2008
    Seriously. It's such an effort to follow foreign affairs in this country, it's just not worth it half the time. I don't feel like reading BBC all day to try and get a glimmer of what's happening in the world around me, so i just live without knowing anything beyond our borders. Hell, I'm in NY, we're like the America of America. Everyone else hears about us, we never hear anything about the rest of the country. It's a little better upstate.
  • edited February 2008
    Psh, you guys are just going to elect Queen Elizabeth again.
  • edited February 2008
    I think the early election predictions are mostly based on exit polls. They tend to be counted quite a bit faster than the actual votes and when Republicans aren't involved they tend to be fairly accurate.
  • edited February 2008
    Night Lord wrote: »
    Too Bloody right we do. All we hear in the news now is how the super-delegates are gonna break the stalemate that might rise between Obama and Clinton at the Democratic Convention.

    But how much coverage will the next UK election get in America? Almost none.

    I didn't know UK had elections. They're trying to be like us! How cute!
    Behemoth wrote: »
    Seriously. It's such an effort to follow foreign affairs in this country, it's just not worth it half the time. I don't feel like reading BBC all day to try and get a glimmer of what's happening in the world around me, so i just live without knowing anything beyond our borders. Hell, I'm in NY, we're like the America of America. Everyone else hears about us, we never hear anything about the rest of the country. It's a little better upstate.

    That's a really good point. World news is very hard to come by, because it takes a backseat to Lindsay Lohan naked photos or something, or to occasional stuff about that damn idiot rich white girl who went missing in Aruba back many years ago, when of course we take a breath in between primaries and caucuses. When we do report world news, it is 98% Middle East bombings.

    To learn more about the outside world, you have to make real effort to do so.
  • edited February 2008
    Serephel wrote: »
    To learn more about the outside world, you have to make real effort to do so.

    But we have ALWAYS been at war with Oceania! There's no reason to know anything about the outside world, other than that it wants to kill you and your family!!
  • edited February 2008
    My family??? Why, what did they do to anyone?
  • edited February 2008
    They made you.
  • edited February 2008