Comics learnin' - Pages and overstimuli
The first topic I wanted to explore is something that you can only really look at in comic books, and that is how much is on the page and how much information is too much information.
This is a really tricky one for us to gauge on a personal level, so I've been thinking that the best way to do this is to break it down and look at the numbers.
The research part of this is simple: Pick a comic that you enjoyed reading and figure out about how many panels are on the average page.
If you have the time, try to figure out the average words per panel/page as well, because that'll be important too.
Since I'm just posting this now, we'll say this topic will be set for aim discussion on the 13th and 14th.
This is a really tricky one for us to gauge on a personal level, so I've been thinking that the best way to do this is to break it down and look at the numbers.
The research part of this is simple: Pick a comic that you enjoyed reading and figure out about how many panels are on the average page.
If you have the time, try to figure out the average words per panel/page as well, because that'll be important too.
Since I'm just posting this now, we'll say this topic will be set for aim discussion on the 13th and 14th.
Like, this is actual science, too. Everyone's too preoccupied with SCIENCE! I guess to do real science. =[