apple cow episode 1: selective survey
not sure where this will reside just yet, so there's no better place to talk about it than the forum for comics i make that aren't called zelda comic. a few years ago, i found a bunch of pictures i drew in my youthful days. mostly cows (boy oh boy did i like cows as a kid). i scanned in everything i could find for posterity, and very quickly realized that these would be fun to use as artwork in a clipart comic. fast forward, like, years, and i finally get around to making it happen! please enjoy the probably-ongoing adventures of apple cow and friends!

This is great, I look forward to more apple centric barnyard adventures.
Back in the day on the 4th grade playground, cows were THE BEST. For EVERYONE.
Nice comic by the way.
dayamn, jeff, you remixed the whole dang series in one fell swoop! nicely done!
Also, mario totally needs to use this as the comic's theme song.
Still, I'd love to see an update. Bob never got past 1.0.
Me and my brothers used to spend hours just making houses and stuff. It was such a great game-- er, application.