I did, for some reason the beta was packaged with Hardy Heron. It's ok, I'm gonna wait to download it on my laptop until there's more extensions updated to work with it.
I am not doing well, thank you for asking! This country is trying to protect its gene pool from foreign invasion! I have developed an allergy to something, I do not know what. I spent last Friday evening at a hospital, and when the drugs they prescribed me did nothing to contain the reaction spreading throughout my body, I had to go to a second hospital all day today! I had to use one of my precious sick days.
Because the doctors cannot figure out what I'm allergic to, they are doing a shotgun approach, and they have prescribed for me a small pharmacy's worth of drugs to take at various intervals throughout the next week, in addition to requesting I return to the hospital once a day for the next three days. I have to get 50 mL slow injections of some combination of chemicals.
But hey, I try to be optimistic. My two emergency room visits, plus two drug prescriptions from the first visit, and eight prescriptions from today's visit, plus the cost of blood tests and various excretory tests, have put me back approximately $63 dollars uninsured.
Yeah I saw The Village, I think with Ryan, and we got a lot of laughs about the porcupine monster. This seems to be much much worse. Count me out, Mr. Shamayaamamalalalanan.
The Happening is the worst film created by humans. I'll leave the door open for movies created by sloths or slime molds, but NOTHING HAPPENED IN THIS MOVIE.
Why the hell would anyone watch an MNS (I'm not even going to try to spell his name) movie after Signs? Didn't that one pretty much prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the guy's a hack that happened to get lucky with The Sixth Sense?
After seeing Lady in the Water, I thought that it was impossible for a worse movie to be made, but I figured if anyone can do it, Shyamalan can. And he delivered.
Also, his name's not hard to spell. Know your enemy! Of course, I'll still say "M. Night Shyammalammadingdong", because it's fun.
It usually means "know everything you can about your enemy". You can know your enemy's name if you believe in yourself! The power to spell some crappy film director's name was within you all along!
See? That's you demonstrating obscure knowledge of our shared enemy. On that note, I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth.
Specialist: In times like these the government often turns to Hollywood for help. You creative filmmakers can think of idea we just can't.
General: That's why we've asked you here, M. Night Shyal-amalam. The Sixth Sense, Signs, The Village, all very clever films. But can you use your amazing idea brain now to help us stop the terrorists?
M. Night Shyalaman: What if... What if it turns out they aren't terrorists? But they're actually werewolves? From the future?
General: N, no. No, they're terrorists. They've been linked to Al Qaeda.
M. Night Shyalaman: But what if Al Qaeda, it turns out, is the group being terrorized? By aliens?
General: No- No. That's not an idea, that's a twist. We need ideas.
M. Night Shyalaman: How about we make everyone think that terrorists attacked us? But really, we were all already dead.
I'm doing alright, myself.
Because the doctors cannot figure out what I'm allergic to, they are doing a shotgun approach, and they have prescribed for me a small pharmacy's worth of drugs to take at various intervals throughout the next week, in addition to requesting I return to the hospital once a day for the next three days. I have to get 50 mL slow injections of some combination of chemicals.
But hey, I try to be optimistic. My two emergency room visits, plus two drug prescriptions from the first visit, and eight prescriptions from today's visit, plus the cost of blood tests and various excretory tests, have put me back approximately $63 dollars uninsured.
Warning: massive spoilers for The Happening there, but I can't imagine anyone wanting to actually watch it.
Sadly, I was mistaken. It was laaaame!
Other than that, I'm doing great, no job and I sit at home figuring out what I need to do.
Also, not much, yo.
Also, his name's not hard to spell. Know your enemy! Of course, I'll still say "M. Night Shyammalammadingdong", because it's fun.
I think not!
General: That's why we've asked you here, M. Night Shyal-amalam. The Sixth Sense, Signs, The Village, all very clever films. But can you use your amazing idea brain now to help us stop the terrorists?
M. Night Shyalaman: What if... What if it turns out they aren't terrorists? But they're actually werewolves? From the future?
General: N, no. No, they're terrorists. They've been linked to Al Qaeda.
M. Night Shyalaman: But what if Al Qaeda, it turns out, is the group being terrorized? By aliens?
General: No- No. That's not an idea, that's a twist. We need ideas.
M. Night Shyalaman: How about we make everyone think that terrorists attacked us? But really, we were all already dead.
General: [to the specialist] Get him out of here.