today's xkcd should be required viewing for the Internet

edited June 2008 in Comics
I've been a huge fan of xkcd for awhile now, but this one, I felt, conveyed a particularly important message that people sometimes forget. The fact that he can relay such content without words makes it all the more powerful (and is also why I put "required viewing" instead of "required reading", though I would always recommend checking out his comics' alt text captions):


Best desktop picture ever.


  • edited June 2008
    As long as people are looking at that one, they should read the whole archive while they are at it. It is very good.

    Also, because I'm a pendantic jerk I'll point out that they are not "alt text" captions, they are done via the "title" property of the img tag. Using the alt property for that purpose is poor coding.
  • edited June 2008
    I might suggest that your mom is poor coding, but since what you say is factually accurate, I'll let it slide. "alt" and "title" render the same in a browser anyway, so I just mixed the two up.

    Also, he used both title and alt, though with two different text strings (he's using alt for the comic's title, IRONY LOL), so take up your poor coding crusade with him!
  • edited June 2008
    I got nothing to take up with him. The coding is as good and clean as the comic is. I deal with so much sloppy code at work I could almost shed a tear to see such clean source.

    Calling them "alt text" captions is generally fine too. I just felt like being fickle about something. Nothing more than the result of an irritating day at work. The title property was actually introduced as a result of people using the alt property to create the little tooltip captions. See, the alt property wasn't actually intended for that purpose, so the title property was added to allow for these captions while still being able to have proper robot-friendly text replcements for images. The end result is that while they may accomplish the same thing in most cases, the tooltip popup effect coming from alt could be subject to deprecation, so it shouldn't be depended on. Also, we get that delicious irony in some cases.
