Regarding 6:35 site redesign, and remixes

edited March 2006 in 6:35
Hiya. There is some chance that I'm actually going to get back sometime in the next... sometime, and I'd like to relauch with the first big site overhaul since that mauve site I had back in the TWC era.

At that time, I want to give the remixes a nice permanent home. I'm trying to design a system that will make the remixes easily accessible and easily associated with the original comic.

Here are some ideas I have for arranging the site:

1) Have a single 6:35 archive. Post remixes a bit below the original comic, so that archive perusers may read the remixes or not as they choose.

2) Have a parallel remix archive. Post a link to the corresponding remix page on each archive page. This would mean that the remixes could be read on their own as a separate archive, but would not be immediately viewable to a person perusing the 6:35 archive.

3) Make a parallel 6:35 on, where the remixes will be the front page updates instead of my comics. Link the two archives so that a reader can jump between the original and the remixes. This idea sounds the most fun, but it also puts the most distance between the original comics and the remixes.

I'm looking for some suggestions, because you're probably going to be using the archive more than I am (since I have all of this stuff on my computer). Which setup makes the most sense to you? Which would be easiest for you to use? Thanks, guys.


  • edited March 2006
    I think Option 2 would be best, personally.
  • edited March 2006
    Gah! How the hell did that happen?

    EDIT: That's odd. A minute ago I had pages and pages of me repeating "I think Option 2 would be best, personally." over and over again, but they're suddenly gone now.
  • edited March 2006
    Oh, so now you get two votes? I like Option 1.
  • edited March 2006
    I'm greedy, so I'd like to see both one and two worked at the same time.
  • edited March 2006
    I vote #3 because I want to see a scary parallel universe 5:36 site.
  • edited March 2006
    Scary or awesome?
  • edited March 2006
    Yeah, guys, I must admit that I am leaning toward 3. It would be lots of fun to put together, and the non-canonical comics could go there also. A first-time reader would not have to load like ten pictures on their first browse through the archive. As I said to Jon, when I first read a comic, I don't read the commentary in the archives or any other extras. I just want to follow the comic.

    So, if you're really sold on option 1 or 2, provide me some reasons! this ain't no poll!
  • edited March 2006
    I have been swayed by the option three method!

    Option one is convenient for those of us who already know what's going on (and have decent internet).
    Option two is just handy so that they're in a separate place all together.

    But option two is pretty much option three, only locally.
  • edited March 2006
    All the characters in 5:36 comics should have goatees.
  • edited March 2006
    Good god, wasn't it bad enough when I gave the one character a McJakey goatee?
  • edited March 2006
    The McJakey goatee was true art.

    And stunningly accurate at that.
  • edited March 2006
    Not anymore!

    A combination of 2 and 3 would be hella cool. Failing that, I'll throw my lot onto option 2.
  • edited March 2006
    Option 2 would just be more convenient. You could still go through the archives without having the remixes pop up on every page if you don't want them, but said remixes are still within easy reach if you do want to see them. Best of both worlds.
  • edited March 2006
    I'm with DI on this. Each comic should have a link to its remixes. Whether the remixes are on another site or not is of no concern to me, however.
  • edited March 2006
    I think option three. Because it seems like a more fun version of option 2.
    I mean, I probably wouldn't read the remixes until I’ve read all the comics if I came to your site so basically a parallel page would be like a cool place to go after you've beat the game, waiting for the sequel to come.
  • edited March 2006
  • edited March 2006
    6:36 totally pwns 6:35 with its palindrome powers.
  • edited March 2006

  • edited March 2006
    Would you prefer 110:100011?
  • edited March 2006
    Stef wrote:

    I agree with Waffles on number three; there should definitely be links between the corresponding archives on the two sites.

    And I also think it would be fun if guest remixes of the design of the sixthirtyfive remix site were encouraged.
    I mean, it would ...kind of be like us drawing goatees on "it." But "on it" being "ON A WHOLE SITE." Since it is a parallel universe and all.
  • edited March 2006
    XoLore wrote:
    Would you prefer 110:100011?
  • jcjc
    edited March 2006
    Now that it's unnecessary to do so, I'm voting for the parallel, or Bizarro, site for remixes.