LaVeyan Satanism



  • edited July 2008
    Panda wrote: »
    I vote we just let this thread die because I can tell McJake is obviously fired up about this and I don't wanna be on anyone's bad side. So let's just all go back to the general discussion forum, and forget this ever happened, k? I'm sorry I opened my mouth in the first place. x.X

    If anything I should be on your bad side. Don't worry about it. The wonderful thing about this place is that we can have heated discussion without hating each other. Unlike Bill Donahue.
  • edited July 2008
    Hahah True, I just dont want anyone to be totally mad at me, but I can see your point and why you would be so up-in-arms about it
  • edited July 2008
    I really just hope the whole wafer thing blows over. It seems the guy who took the communion wafer is sorry he ever bothered, and even though my experience with Catholics has been that they DON'T forget things very easily (funny thoughts about forgiveness and all that), hopefully they'll at most be forever mad but that the guy will able to just avoid that particular church.

    And same with Hamelin; I'm not justifying the death threats or thoughts of expulsion, I'm justifying the reason for which they got mad. The article gave me the impression of bashing catholics because they got mad over just a frackin cracker, rather than bashing them for sending this guy death threats.

    I have no thoughts on satanism, I suppose to each his own. I've never known any satanists, so my knowledge about them is pretty much just thinking they're rebels against religion.

    Panda's right though... this thread would probably be better off not leading to heated religious discussions. I just wanted to assure people I'm not one of the crazy Catholics wanting the wafer guy to burn in hell; I hope the guy lives a pleasant life! I just wanted to express my dislike for Bill Donahue.
  • edited July 2008
    Well, even though all that I've read about LaVeyan Satanism pretty much agrees with what JacMake said (though I wouldn't have put in such harsh terms, that's what Jakey's here for :D) I would still like to hear your rationale for following it. And that's not because I mean to mock you, not at all. I fully support the questioning and explanation of belief systems, and if everyone plays nice, which I'm pretty damn sure they will here, you can talk about your beliefs all you want, even if others don't agree. I'm just curious. I think that the best way to fully understand your own beliefs and perhaps even come to new revelations is to explain them to other people.

    So I vote that you charge forward. Some may respond critically, but in the spirit of good, friendly conversation.
  • edited July 2008
    I've said it before, I'll say it again,

  • edited July 2008
    Hellz yeah!!!
  • edited July 2008
    Panda: We're pretty open here, we're not going to hate you for having a different set of beliefs. Jakey just told you how he feels about the subject, but he's not going to belittle you as a person. Who knows, you might have some pretty interesting points or angles that we weren't aware of. We may have disagreeing opinions here, but we'll still be willing to discuss them.

    However, we will hate you and we will belittle you if you don't remove the image from your signature. Image sigs are obnoxious.

    As for the cracker escapades, obviously it was extremely important to Catholics, because it is considered to be literally Jesus, and is such considered a desecration of Jesus. To atheists, agnostics, or at the very least, non-Catholics, it was seen as fanatacism by a few extreme people who threatened to murder.

    People who are non-Catholic, like me and probably a good portion of people here, need to realize that it's much, much more than just a cracker. Some Catholics need to realize that they're goddamn fanatical when they threaten to murder, regardless of whether or not they're serious.
  • edited July 2008
    I've always fancied Discordianism. Hail Eris!
  • edited July 2008
    *eats a cracker*


    *with mayo*
  • edited July 2008
    Okay, I've got a plan.

    1. Buy Jesus crackers in bulk.
    2. Find Catholic Priest.
    3. Mass blessing of cracker bulk into literal Jesus.
    4. Sell literal Jesus on Ebay.
    5. Go to hell afterwards.
  • edited July 2008
    They did that in Only Fools and Horses with the Wine.
  • edited July 2008
    Night Lord wrote: »
    They did that in Only Fools and Horses with the Wine.
    That’s an awesome name, whatever it is.
  • edited July 2008
    I doubt they actually did that. You can get a priest to bless the wine or wafer, but it's not the same as transubstantation; and I highly doubt that a priest would transubstante something on demand.
  • edited July 2008
    Well, you could lie to the priest and trick him. You're already going to hell for trying to sell Jesus on Ebay, you might as well go the whole nine yards and deceive the priest any way necessary.
  • edited July 2008
    And the fault in the plan would be that you actually WOULD be killed by the crazys who're willing to kill for something like that; I mean, if you're into suicide, it's a great plan! There are TONS of crazy Catholics out there to offend!
  • edited July 2008
    In that case go the whole twenty yards and not only kill the priest once you're done with him but bring a shotgun along for the Catholic horde.
  • edited July 2008
    NoLonger wrote: »
    but bring a shotgun along for the horde!.

    Fixed. hah who doesn't love warcraft references.
  • edited July 2008