Aminal Crossing

edited February 2010 in Zelda Comic
Um, does any one know if the Animal Crossing comics are still on the net? I didn't see them on the devolution revolution site. Does anyone have them in the extras?

Oh, and If this inquiry bothers you, by all means mario, delete it.


  • edited July 2008
    I took them down awhile ago. I assumed demand wasn't high enough to warrant their continued presence, since I have no plans to continue them, but if enough people want them I'd be glad to upload them again somewhere.
  • edited July 2008

    Everyone seem's to be online at the moment, let us type! Our names!

    Blob of Evil
  • edited July 2008
    Your mom is evil...

    In all seriousness I did like them when I read them a few years back, and I'm sure lurkers around here would like 'um too.
    You have my vote.

  • edited July 2008
    NoLonger wrote: »
    "I'm sure"

    You heard the man, type!
    For the lurrrrkerssss!
  • edited July 2008
    *shrug* That's more than enough.

    By which I mean, the stuff was actually online the whole time, so it was a minimal effort to tweak the HTML pages and clean up the archives a little. Link's on the bonus page. I had considered integrating it in the devo revo blog archives or something, but I kind of like it in its current form, a nice self-contained site with all the episodes visible. Enjoy!
  • edited July 2008

    All but one episode decided not to work for me. You had me all excited, but apparenty theres more tweaking to be done. Seriously though, take your time, the promise that it will eventualy be up is more than enough.
  • edited July 2008
    Whoops, accidentally deleted the index. It's fixed now.
  • edited July 2008
    Thank you.

    I hope I wasn't a jerk/ annoyance. Well it got the job done... Sooooo, how many mario points does this set me back?
  • edited July 2009
    Not that it should be top priority, but I decided to reread them and only #20 is working again.