New comics?

edited May 2009 in Comics
Ok, I'm a very avid webcomic reader, and when I'm bored I like to read through the archives of a new comic. Sadly the link pages on the comics I read have started to loop together and I can't find many good new comics. Here's a list of comics I read regularly. (Sorry, they're not in any real order.)

El Goonish Shive
The Wotch
The Wotch: Chear
Friendly Hostility
Ansem Retort
Two Kinds
Sorcery 101
In His Likeness
Wasted Minds
Caribbean Blue
Emergency Exit
Coyote Dance
Mystic Revolution
Masters of the Art
Pixel Comic
The Broken Mirror
Rob and Elliot
Errant Story
Girl Genius
Questionable Content
8-Bit Theater
The Realms of Aegis
Paradox Lost
Looking for Group
Dresdon Codak
Gunnerkrigg Court
Slightly Damned
Dominic Deegan

Last but not least: all the comics here on the Orange Belt.
Could you all recommend some new ones?

This is only a list of the comics I read regularly.



  • edited July 2008
    Check out dinosaur comic at

    Go through the archives.

    It is rather amazing.
  • edited July 2008
    Sadly those have been read through... twice for Elf Only Inn, I might head back to dinosaur though.
  • edited July 2008
    Here's some stuff that I consider to be the best stuff ever:

    Kate Beaton
    Super Mega
  • edited July 2008
    Go read Dr. McNinja! Read it now!
  • edited July 2008
    Wigu ( was pretty hilarious when it was running, it's currently got another chapter running now... and also Sam and Fuzzy. I haven't read Sam and Fuzzy for about 2 years, but it wasn't because it stopped being funny. That was the time I stopped reading pretty much all webcomics. I just never got around to catching up with that one. My friend still reads it and he says it's still funny!
  • edited July 2008

    The comic's story finished quite some time ago, but it should be required reading for the internet. It is one of the most original comic series I've read.
  • edited July 2008
    Oh man, I remember Dr. McNinja!!! Fun stuff, but yeah, read that, I showed it to Zlamzambo even! Also I read Wigu already too.

    See? This is why I need help!!!

    Edit: read KidRadd already too.
  • edited July 2008
    Get Medieval is pretty awesome. It's finished now after a four-year run and is currently re-running with commentary from the author.

    The author/artist of that comic is currently working on Dumnestor's Heroes, a comedy set in a D&D-like fantasy setting, and Knowledge is Power, in which a group of college students get super powers. They're both pretty cool.
  • edited July 2008
    My two favorites are Slackerz and Slow Wave.
  • godgod
    edited July 2008
    I kind of like Pictures for Sad Children.
  • edited July 2008

    That's my list, I check it daily.
  • edited July 2008
    Aww, Scary Go Round!! I used to read that all the time, that's another one I never went back to just because there would have been SOO much to read and I never felt like going back over it all again. Good stuff though!
  • edited July 2008
    It's all about Dr. McNinja, i mean c'mon an irish ninja? what else could you want???
  • edited July 2008
    What about that one comic we are supposed to be making?
  • edited July 2008
    Perry Bible Fellowship is quite good.
  • edited July 2008
    I've been meaning to respond here! I have a fairly big list of comics myself, but I am being a slacker and not sorting out a proper list. Perhaps I'll do so another time as it looks like you've had a good number of recommendations, but I would feel bad if I did not recommend Unicorn Jelly. Don't be fooled by the name. It's worth a read.
  • edited May 2009
    I just found Intragalactic from an ad on Wonderella's site and it's pretty cool (Wonderella is also pretty cool, but most of you probably know about it already.) It's about the intrepid crew of an interstellar ice cream delivery truck and their adventures across the cosmos. You should read it.