News: Zelda Marathon Redux!

edited September 2008 in Zelda Comic
I meant to mention this sooner, but better late than never, right? Right???? The insane folks at cameron banga dot com have decided to once again tackle a console Zelda marathon for charity! To make things even more awesome than last time, they're teaming up with insane comrades at Mario Marathon in order to cover the 2D titles as well! As I type this, they're working their way through A Link to the Past and have already raised over $1000 for Child's Play! Their goal is to get all the way through by Sunday night, so I hope you'll all stop by and cheer them on. And if you've got any money to spare, Child's Play is a wonderful charity that I've wholeheartedly endorsed for years now, so try and throw whatever you can their way.

I'm gonna head off to bed for now, but make sure you stop by their sites, and let 'em know Zelda Comic sent ya!


  • edited August 2008
    Update: Damn, I sleep for a few hours and they're up to $1300! The Mario Marathon people completed all three classic Zelda titles with time to spare and have thrown in a bonus playthrough of The Minish Cap. The Four48 team starts with the 3D games tonight. I probably won't be able to check in while at work, but anyone who can should stay tuned!
  • edited August 2008
  • edited August 2008
    Update: Good job, crazy Zelda gamers! The Four48 team completed their marathon with four hours to spare! Not only that, but they exceeded their goals and earned $2,240 for Child's Play! Congratulations to everyone at cameron banga dot com and Mario Marathon for this amazing feat. They're playing through Master Quest during the last few minutes, so feel free to stop by their site and let them know how awesome they are. The answer: fairly awesome? You can still donate too, so do that now!
  • edited August 2008
  • edited August 2008
  • edited August 2008
    Hooray for donating to the poor!
  • edited August 2008
    Poor? I'm pretty sure it's for children's hospitals, although one could argue that any child in the hospital is going to be significantly poorer after exiting said hospital.

    That being said, yay for Child's Play!
  • edited August 2008
    If they weren't poor, they wouldn't need donations now would they?
  • edited September 2008

    W00t! I would totally do something like that if I had the time and patience.

    But mostly the time.