This blows.

edited September 2008 in General
I've had allergies recently, and my nose has been really chapped. Problem here, it's so chapped that every other time I blow my nose I get a bloody nose.

I had to reschedule my freaking violin lesson because the current bloody nose had been lasting upwards of 25 minutes.

This sucks.


  • edited September 2008
    wow. You should change what tissues you use! The softer ones with lotion somehow built in them are much nicer on the nose. I don't know about the bloody noses... but it would help the chapped nose problem. I personally think a chapped nose is one of the most miserable feelings ever, because not only can you not breathe when you have one, but whenever you try to fix this problem it hurts like hell.

    And yeah, a bloody nose probably wouldn't lead to a very successful violin lesson. Unless you could shove a tissue up your nose and hold the violin between your ear and shoulder, and then play everything by memory...

    ...I totally need to try that now.

    In any case... Hope the allergies start treating you better soon :(
  • edited September 2008
    Oh we use the soft ones with lotion, it's just I'm chapped because I live in Idaho Falls witch is 4700 feet above sea level and is in a desert.
  • edited September 2008
    I know what you mean, my bloody noses last for hours! Not with a lot of blood, but a steady flow for quite some time.
  • edited September 2008
    Dag, yo. I feel your pain. I've had terrible allergies my whole life, and when I moved to So Cal this past year into the desert I had the same problem. There's nothing that I really know of that can really prevent it, but I just want to say that you shouldn't discount the old fashioned remedy of an icepack on the bridge of your nose. It really does help constrict your blood vessels and hopefully stop some of the bleeding. :)
  • edited September 2008
    "This blows."

    Oh gawd.
  • edited September 2008
    The doctor said I wouldn't have so many nose bleeds if I kept my finger outta there.
  • edited September 2008
    Is it allergies that bring about random nose bleeds? I mean, of course there are other reasons, but is allergies one reason? I remember being at a church camp when I was around 9 that I had gone to for the previous 2 years without any problems, and having random nosebleeds for no obvious reason. I think I deducted that it had to be allergies, since I would get them while in the water, while walking around the camp, and once it woke me up because I got one in the middle of the night. I must have had like 9 nosebleeds in the time span of a week. My nose wasn't stuffy at all though, that's what I usually associate with allergies. But I've never had a big problem with allergies, only a few sniffles at the worst times of the year, so I'm not very familiar with what horrors go along with it.
  • edited September 2008
    Here I have some stuff called styptic powder, used to stop my ferret bleeding if I clip too far down the nail while doing them. It's an antihemorrhagic which makes the vessels contract, stopping bleeding.

    Why not snort some like crack cocaine?
  • edited September 2008
    The crack cocaine idea might work...

    Actually, I've heard from a reputable source that putting a small amount of vaseline on the inside of your nose with a Q-tip can keep your nose from becoming too chapped.

    Than again... nose candy...
  • godgod
    edited September 2008
    Trireme wrote: »
    The crack cocaine idea might work...
    Crack cocaine is the kind you smoke. And besides, cocaine will just put holes in your septum, which will only help in the sense that theres nothing left for blood to come out of.
  • edited September 2008
    Problem solved then, right?