It's the end of the world. There's only one way to save it. That's to pick the right poll option. This is an extreme poll of life-saving capabilities. There are 5 options. You have 30 seconds before the man animals attack. Which one do you choose?
Choose four, it's italicized fools, it's the only way!
It's only italicized because it's the one YOU picked. You've now revealed yourself to be one of the idiots who are going to doom us all! Crap, even a deaf, dumb and blind kid could tell that we must choose THREE. FOR THE GOOD OF THE BELT.
You should have had the slogan end with something that rhymes with "-like." You haven't convinced me I voted wrong at all.
And Carter, you don't know what the answer is?? How will we know whether we have any chance of surviving?? And then, if you really have no idea which is which, does it really matter which one we choose???
you did! But they're the ones attacking, not choosing! If they are in fact choosing, you should have specified that in the beginning! But if they are deciding that means we're doomed either way, which means this thread is completely useless as far as our attempts of survival!
Options 1,3,4, and 5 are all justifiably good picks, and could save the day.
BUT WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD CHOOSE OPTION 2!?!?! Choosing option 2 would be like proclaiming that you have no friends, smell bad, and kick puppies. If any of you picked option two, you should be ashamed and embarrassed! YOU SICK 2 CHOOSING BASTARDS!! I look at you lower than dirt.
EDIT: Er, I mean 5. FIVE IS A SICK AND DISGUSTING CHOICE!! If you picked five, you are stupid and dumb at the same time.
B.) The answer is always C.
(If I was making a test I would totally have options like that.)
It's only italicized because it's the one YOU picked. You've now revealed yourself to be one of the idiots who are going to doom us all! Crap, even a deaf, dumb and blind kid could tell that we must choose THREE. FOR THE GOOD OF THE BELT.
Wait, I picked 2.
And Carter, you don't know what the answer is?? How will we know whether we have any chance of surviving?? And then, if you really have no idea which is which, does it really matter which one we choose???
UNLESS WE PICK FOUR!!!!!1!!1!1!!!!!!!!!22!!
BUT WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD CHOOSE OPTION 2!?!?! Choosing option 2 would be like proclaiming that you have no friends, smell bad, and kick puppies. If any of you picked option two, you should be ashamed and embarrassed! YOU SICK 2 CHOOSING BASTARDS!! I look at you lower than dirt.
EDIT: Er, I mean 5. FIVE IS A SICK AND DISGUSTING CHOICE!! If you picked five, you are stupid and dumb at the same time.
Ironiclly the only person who voted 1 so far is the only person far enough away to possibly be safe.