I am... so tired...

edited December 2010 in General
.... Seriously. Procrastination is kicking my ass. I've been working on this homework for like 5 hours, because we learned it last week and it took me an hour to re-figure out on my own what exactly we did, for each problem it seems like. I could have done it last week, which would have made sense because everything was fresh on my mind... but nooo, I went and waited til around 10:30 tonight (last night) to start everything.

And it's not just procrastination that's kicking my ass. My whole life pretty much flipped upside down as soon as college started up, as a few of you know already. I've heard from a few people that this is a fairly normal first-year college experience... holy crap. I seriously did not see any of this coming. Maybe a few culture shocks, but this is just extreme. EXTREME I SAY. Does anyone else have some awesome stories of epic fail (yet not too epic hopefully :()during their first year of college? It might make me feel better and might persuade me to open up about just how much fail I have been made up of in just my first month or so of college.

I think what boggles my mind the most at this point in time, is that everything I could find to complain about right now, I don't really want to complain about.. because everything I would complain about is my fault, haha. It's a very weird thought process.

Other than the fact I'm pretty much failing (spectacularly) at everything I could possibly fail at right now... college is AMAZING.

And it is very late at night, sorry if I end up regretting posting this tomorrow. I think I wrote the word "fail" too many times. Whatever happened to our Insomniac's Treehouse anyway? I would be hangin out there a bunch these days :)


  • edited October 2008
    My random roommate freshman year was a total jackass. All he did was play Everquest and talk to his online girlfriend.

    Procrastination is a bitch, and let me tell you if you don't get rid of it soon, it won't magically disappear when you get a job (assuming the US still has a functioning economy by the time you graduate).

    College is a time when people start making radical shifts into the kind of person they will be as a full fledged adult. It's a very tough time, because the friends you have going into college may very well not be the friends you have going out. Furthermore, you yourself will change a lot too, even if you don't realize it, and that change will be evident towards your friends. Don't forget that.

    Sorry... I don't know what else to say, because I don't know what extreme of upside down your life has become. I can only use MSN at during the day at work when most of you are at home at night, so I get out of the Orange Belt loop sometimes.
  • edited October 2008
    Well. Boy howdy, Lauren, do I have a story for you.

    Ryan did indeed have a jackass random roommate freshman year. That jackass was me.

    After graduating high school, I realized that my current girlfriend wasn't right for me at all. I didn't want to take a bad relationship into college so I broke it off. A stroke of genius, right?

    Well, as he said, I really liked EverQuest, and I played it all the time. I happened to meet this girl in my guild. We started talking on the phone and soon we started to like each other a lot. Thing was, she lived in Florida and I in Indiana. Also, she was engaged to a guy in Norway. Clusterfuck, yes.

    I should also mention that she was a controlling bitch. Manipulative as all getout. But of course, I didn't care, because I loved her so much. So during the summer before freshman year, I would talk to her on the phone all night, from 9 PM to 5 AM, pretty much every single day. Not only did this wreak havoc on my sleeping schedule, but it cost me a fortune in phone cards.

    So college comes around, and I'm ready to experience a whole new world. But I still had this girl. And she still insisted that we talk every night. So we did.

    This had multiple negative effects. First, it made me look like a TOTAL doucher for not only being in love with someone I had never met, but "dating" her while she was still with another guy. One of my best friends even stopped talking to me for a while because she was so disgusted with it. Also, it would mean that I would disappear and be unable to socialize after 9PM, which totally blew. But I still stayed with her. It also meant that I would often stay up until 5AM either talking on the phone or playing EverQuest with her, and then try to wake up for my 8AM class. Ryan told the story of my mutilated alarm clock at my wedding, and we all had a hearty laugh.

    So this went on for the whole first semester, and people were getting more and more fed up with it. After much prodding from them and my family and much introspection, I tentatively came to the conclusion that she was a bitch and I was allowing her to shred my life. So we finally (it was a really long and difficult process because she was so resistant) broke up and I was able to resume the life of a normal college student. My first semester was a blur of fatigue and emotional trauma, but I was amazed at how much more I gained from classes when I was working on 7 to 8 hours of sleep. And I had so much more time to socialize.

    And of course, through that process I learned a TON about myself and others. It was a really shitty time... but I still have many of the same friends who supported me and stuck with me even to this day.
  • edited October 2008
    I've been at uni for around a month now and the academic side is just starting to get into full swing. While I am scared of the inevitable workload, I am enjoying the social aspect, having made a good group of friends from politics. Indeed I just got back from the pub after having a pretentious conversation with them, as uni students are best at :D
  • edited October 2008
    I feel better! Thank you for sharing Andrew. And seriously, if it weren't for the drama between me and my now ex, I would be absolutely loving college. It's just that breaking up Eric is a HUGE deal, since we've been planning to get married for a few years now. Call me naive for planning this before I got into college, but eh. He's a junior in college now, we've been- er, we were doing the long-distance thing for 2 years, more than half of our entire relationship, and things were going good. Not great, but that was because of something completely unrelated to why we broke up now.

    I think it's just that everything new in my life was a bit too exciting and fun, and I got carried away with everything and in blew up in my face. Eric and I are still talking, and he's actually moving to Austin when he graduates whether or not I'll be here or not-- it's a good place for an artist to start out. We've stated so far that maybe then we can try going out again in two years when he moves here, see if our personalities still get along as well as they always have or if college changes me to where we wouldn't have worked out anyway.

    I think it's logical. Hope things start going better though! They're beginning to, and I hope it continues to follow this pattern!
  • edited October 2008
    Falling apart in the first year? My procrastination rate has roughly doubled every year since I started! It's a wonder I keep a 3.0 GPA. Also, my roommate three years running has also been my best friend since the fifth grade. He doesn't change, we get along, and everything's awesome.
  • edited October 2008
    hlavco wrote: »
    Falling apart in the first year? My procrastination rate has roughly doubled every year since I started! It's a wonder I keep a 3.0 GPA. Also, my roommate three years running has also been my best friend since the fifth grade. He doesn't change, we get along, and everything's awesome.
    Mine has roughly cut itself in half every year. I am lucky to get anything at all done between classes lately.
  • edited October 2008
    You damn kids and your fancy schoolins.

    I've never dormed. Only college I went to was of the community kind.
    That being said, I dropped out of two of them! I'm a winner.
  • edited October 2008
    I just want to be done...
  • edited October 2008
    My first quarter of college, I took 21 units.

    ...I didn't leave my apartment.

    It also sucked because I didn't have a roommate the first year. So the only people I knew were people in my classes, which were mostly Computer Science, so no one was social at all.

    But second year is totally better! Once you find your groove, things are great.
  • edited October 2008
    I was a bit like DBD except I graduated from 2 two year programs and did very well in them. I dropped out of nothing. Of course all this relationship business and breakups didn't exist for me. I led the life of a nerd and had nothing but time to work on homework. Well when I wasn't working at a job, but I only did part time for most of that. I kinda miss school. I did cooler stuff then than I do now.
  • edited October 2008
    Heh, I guess that's just my personality-- I've always hated being single. Any time I enjoyed being single, it was because of the process of trying to get me a guy to go out with. But I was doing that 4 years ago!! I'm out of practice!!

    I think I'll be okay though, hahaha. The guys here (and girls here, for that matter) are all really nice. If I don't think they're very nice to hang around, there are like 50 bazillion other people to meet. I think I could be very satisfied being single here, just because there are enough sweet guys to just be friends with. Friends are wonderful :) Man I love Austin. Just this whole getting homework done and being responsible for myself... at least I don't think I'm actually FAILING any of my classes yet. Except Calculus... but thats because we just took the midterm and I did HORRIBLY on it. I mean, I'm not sure exactly how I did yet, but I'm pretty positive it was horrible. And it's 20% of my final grade... poop. Luckily for me there are other tests to take :) BUT that's completely off topic.
  • edited October 2008
    Beware! By jumping from relationship to relationship with not much rebound time you are walking a slippery slope to the magical land of self-loathing and alchoholism! Also, you truly belong within the ranks of Jake, Morgan, and myself.

    Oh, and Bruce kinda hates himself... I guess...
  • edited October 2008
    Damn right!
  • edited October 2008
    Procrastination is kind of like a bitter-sweet friend of mine that always betrays me at the last freaking mine. Always. I don't even know why I'm friends with Mr. Procrastination.

    Procrastination has landed me in all sorts of regrettable situations. I once had a psychology report due that I had put off until the night before. I devoted all of my hours leading up to the class to super-typing mode. (Actutally I divided the hours into researching time, PANICKING TIME, outlining time, typing time, last-minute-editing time, and more panicking time.) After like nine hours of craaazy half-awake writing, I managed to turn in some kind of report paper. I ended up getting a "meh" grade on a report I worked like a dog to get in on time. After that traumatic experience, I vowed to NEVER procrastinate that much on a project again.

    Except I have a political science report due in a couple of weeks. Aaaand, I really don't feel like doing it right now...

    The title of this thread reminds me of a certain song by the Beatles.
  • edited October 2008
    Oh yeah! Andrew and I once wrote 40+ page research papers over the span of a 3 day weekend on topics we kind of researched in Japan.

    Adam, how long did it take you to write that? I forget.
  • edited October 2008
    Gods, that was hellish. I didn't have a laptop, so I actually unplugged my desktop and lugged it all into one of the side lounges so I would be away from distractions.

    I'm proud to say that I learned a great deal from that experience, though, and never again did I procrastinate so heavily as I did on that project.
  • edited October 2008
    Neither did I!

    Although there was a person or two who never actually finished their paper at all...
  • edited October 2008
    Procrastination is your friend. I procrastinated all through my 4th year. I can't believe they gave me a degree. I wrote my final paper in under 24 hours.

    And I didn't get so much as a C+. B's and A's, all through :D

    Oh, and you just have to find out which kids are the cool kids. I found out far too late.
  • edited October 2008
    I am very tired right now, oh yes. I have not had a wink of sleep all night. I spent from 22:00-00:00 tossing and turning, then went on the internet until 03:00, spent another hour tossing and turning, back to the internet. Then spent 06:00-07:00 tossing and turning, when my alarm clock went off.

    Sigh, multiple red bulls needed to survive today :(
  • edited October 2008
    Just hook it up directly into your veins.
  • edited October 2008
    I am finishing up (read: Doing most of) the 60 or so pages of French workbook before my exam tonight at 6:30.

    I have not studied at all.
  • edited October 2008
    yaaayy french is s stu pid langauge leanra asian language it gives you more jobs oy. im durnk,.
  • edited October 2008
    shakeycat wrote: »
    Procrastination is your friend. I procrastinated all through my 4th year. I can't believe they gave me a degree. I wrote my final paper in under 24 hours.

    And I didn't get so much as a C+. B's and A's, all through :D

    This is the way to go. Works for me!
  • edited October 2008
    I too am overwhelmed with my studies, but not because of procrastination. I just have a LOT OF FUCKING HOMEWORK. I have an Old English quiz in about half an hour... and I really wish that my prof would have given us a list of potential vocab words instead of just saying, "Anything you've seen could be on the quiz." Blarg. Do you know how many words that is?!?! And not only do I have to memorize the word, but I have to memorize the gender of the nouns too! Blarg!

    And I have a paper due on Tuesday. It's interesting, but writing is always a chore when you first start out. And I have to keep figuring out what I'm going to teach every session... I want a week off where I can just veg. *sigh*
  • edited October 2008
    Fuck! I agree man, languages with gendered nouns are freaking awful.

    The thing that most tears me up about this class is that the only reason I'm taking it is that it is MANDATORY. If I don't get a 2.0 in this class I can't graduate, I have absolutely no interest in learning this language (or any other language) whatsoever.

    You'd think the graduation requirement thing would be enough to motivate me, but it totally isn't. If I don't pass this I can try it again in my final semester in January. I'd rather not though, I have to buckle down. -_-

    Edit: Oh, and of course, the Mother 3 Translation is going to be released this week. Just what I need, more awesome distractions.
  • edited October 2008
    Okay, the test really wasn't too bad this time. A lot easier than our previous tests. I feel much better. =D Old English really does rock.
  • edited October 2008
  • edited October 2008
  • edited October 2008
  • edited October 2008
    I didn't even take a test and that's why I'm angry at you.

    I always liked tests. They were fun. Because I was awesome at them.

    P.S. It's not ALL-CAPS day, and yelling is very uncharacteristic of me.