Work, jobs, and other things that take away your life

edited November 2008 in General

It is Saturday afternoon. I am sitting on the dusty floor of my old, abandoned apartment, filthy with the dropped ashes from cigar butts that I have not yet vacuumed. My new apartment does not yet have internet, so I am stuck at the empty, vacant old one that still has internet. Fortunately I have two weeks of lease overlap.

I am working on finishing a project for work that is due Sunday that I thought I finished yesterday. Our US guys found a major flaw and called me to fix it. Of course his internet is uncharacteristically not working too, so I have to finish it myself. I'm bouncing back and forth with phone calls between our US guys and our CEO here, while trying to make these last minute changes.

And I should be at my new apartment, cleaning it up and making curry for guests to try to be sexy and charming.

Moral of the story: Stay in school as long as you can. Or marry rich.


  • edited November 2008
    Sometimes I miss school. It was a time I could take up any project that took my interest. A time when...I had time. Sorta. School itself ate up a lot of time, but I could somehow find more hours in the day to get things done then.
  • edited November 2008
    I don't get it. I average 55 hours a week working now. I worked 20-30 hours a week and was a full-time student, but I seemed to have more time then. I guess I was able to sleep less at night and use my class time to get more done. At work, it's just work. I can't do anything else, I completely lose those hours.
  • edited November 2008
    I'm going to have to come back and read this thread when I'm completely stressing out about huuuge projects I'm gonna have later in school.
  • edited November 2008
    School was fun, and I liked sleeping in and seeing all my friends every day, but I did not like having things hanging over my head all the time.

    I like work because when I get home, it's done. I can dick around all evening, without the nagging why aren't you starting your essay. I can watch Survivor without having to pretend I'm doing my readings on commercial breaks.

    I miss having crazy roommates :(
  • edited November 2008
    SPEAKING of crazy roommates, I found myself an apartment for next year with 3 other girls who are AWESOME. We waited til the last second though, we just looked at it yesterday and the girl who gave us a tour suggested we get everything (the application and the deposit) in by monday, because these are going fast. Blargh. I really hope we get that apartment!!!
  • edited November 2008
    shakeycat wrote: »
    I like work because when I get home, it's done.

    I do like that too. My evenings and more importantly my weekends are my own. The problem is despite this I STILL keep seeming to have less time these days with just a 40 hour a week job than when I was swamped with 30-40 hours of school work a week and having to spend 10-12 hours a week driving (about an hour and a half drive one way to school). Then there was the actual time spent sitting in class, and the hours lost between classes AND the part time job that I'd somehow get another 10-20 hours into in a week. And I STILL had enough time to sit around at home and get bored. I look back on that and it seems like I had 30 hours a day 8 days a week.

    The more stuff you have to do the more you seem to get done the quicker I guess. With nothing to do so much of the time now I no longer have anything pressing me onward. Nothing forcing me to cherish every hour and never let even 10 minutes go to waste.
  • edited November 2008
    I gotta say, I'm in the last year of my education right now and I cannot wait to be done with it. It's like everyone else is graduating and going out to be real people and do real things that matter; plus they get paid, and that's awesome. Meanwhile, I'm stuck here, going through routines five days a week, and stressing out about projects and essays seven days a week. I feel like my life is stagnating and it will be for the next 8 months.
  • edited November 2008
    As much as I enjoy my time in grad school, I really do wish that I had less work to do. Part of the problem is that I'm taking 3 classes and teaching a section, whereas most first year MAs only take 2 classes.

    But still, I long for the days when I could come home and be done with my work. But X is so right... there seemed to be so little time in those days, even though I have more work to do now.

    But I feel like the end is in sight. Once I get my MA, I can teach community college and make a decent living. Then I can stop going to school and relax.

    As fun as it would be, I can't take a life of constant worry... I really don't think a PhD is in my future. Perhaps after 10 years of teaching... but we'll see when we get there. I just want to relax! I can't wait for winter break...
  • edited November 2008
    I miss playing video games and posting on the forums more. On the other hand, I like making money and surviving. Funny thing is, I might be able to actually save up for a next-gen console that keeps releasing quality games (sorry Wii), but I don't know if I'd have time to play anything beyond the casual fare. Alas.
  • edited November 2008
    I like being busy. Currently I'm the President of our schools TSA club and I'm trying to organize a raffle to raise money for a competition this may, I also just started taking fencing lessons twice a week, our Girl Scout troop is trying to earn a silver award, I'm probably going to start taking private violin lessons, and I intend to run for President of the Student Delegation of Sister Cites. And that reminds me, I need catch up on my Japanese...