Ipods are superfluous accessories for fourteen year olds, and are indeed lamzor.

edited July 18 in Tech
What now Amazox?

And I'd also like to point out a few things. First off, If people were actually just listening to music on there Ipods as I do with my Walkmen, they would not buy an Ipod, but rather a less expensive option.

Secondly, Ipods and Iphones can cost extra after you buy them, a factor, which similar to the continual cost of World of Warcraft, must be taken in account when graphing Ryan levels.

And finally third, going back to the first point, Ipods are not for the music, and never were. At the start they were about statis, an unspoken "I'm richer than you." Then the new sleek models came out, and it was also about looks. Then eventually everyone had one and it was just about conforming to a social norm. As a listening device, I see no reason an Ipod is a better choice than "MP3 reading device X". And personally, I still prefer a Walkmen or portable CD player to MP3 devices.


  • edited December 2008
    I bought one and I like it and have no regrets whatsoever. So I guess it doesn’t matter.
  • edited December 2008
    Dude you're being way too defensive about it. This is a discussion, not a flame war.
  • edited December 2008
    Im don't mean to seam so, I happy with it and don't mind the cost it was.
  • edited December 2008
    I have an iPod and I use it to listen to music and have only one movie on it, which is Meet the Sniper. I like it. It's a rather handy piece of technology. No need to start talking about how awful it is when there really is nothing awful about it.
  • edited December 2008
    My uncles, every single one have an iPod.
  • edited December 2008

    And seriously, Scott is right. There's nothing WRONG with an iPod. If people want a certain aesthetic look in their MP3 player, why yell at them for it?

    Also, it may not be any better than other MP3 players, but depending on the environment you use it in you may prefer it over a WalkMAN or CD player. When I rode the bus in junior high and had to hold my CD player up the entire time to keep it from skipping, I would have LOVED to have all my music stored digitally. Also if you jog or ride a bike and want to listen to music, having a storage device that cannot skip is priceless. A lot of it depends upon personal preference.
  • edited December 2008
    Dude you're being way too defensive about it. This is a discussion, not a flame war.

    flame [fleym] - noun, verb, flamed, flaming
    - noun
    1. burning gas or vapor, as from wood or coal, that is undergoing combustion; a portion of ignited gas or vapor.
    2. Often, flames. the state or condition of blazing combustion: to burst into flames.
    3. Computer Slang. an angry, critical, or disparaging electronic message

    Hi everyone, we're going to take a quick lesson to discover the difference between intellectual discussion and a flame war. Gather around, pull up a chair, pop a squat, and open your ears!

    An intellectual discussion is a simple exchange of ideas, completely void of personal attacks. For example:

    Person A: I voted for Barack Obama because I feel that the economy is the greatest problem our nation faces, and I believe that he can best handle it.
    Person B: While I hear your opinions, good sir, I must disagree. I believe that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is the greatest issue in America right now, and thus I voted for John McCain.

    A flame, on the other hand, is a comment made by someone in a very defensive position about their opinion. They are usually loathe to listen to anyone else's opinion, and they tend to believe that other opinions are made by people who are less intelligent, or "lamzor". For example:

    Me: I currently use an iPod, because in my personal experience I have found it superior to the Sony Walkman. Several years ago I bought a brand of Walkman, and after having it repeatedly break on me, and after Sony discontinued service and software upgrades for my particular model, I decided to take my business to a more successful product, the iPod. I am satisfied with my purchase, and I recommend it to my friends as being worth the extra money.
    Someone else: iPod sucks!!!111one

    So, let's think. Out of the two comments, which is the real flame?
    Zlamzambo wrote: »
    I bought one and I like it and have no regrets whatsoever. So I guess it doesn’t matter.
    Ipods are superfluous accessories for fourteen year olds, and are indeed lamzor

    And finally, as a side note, if you're going to be so defensive about the Sony Walkman, you should at least spell it right. It is not Walkmen. It's Walkman.
  • godgod
    edited December 2008
    I actually listen to enough music now that I plan on getting a refurbished ipod. Yes, I could get any other mp3 player, but Apple is a company that is known for having good products. Now, I could just pick up a $15 dollar CD player, but that is bulkier and a more awkward shape for fitting into a pocket, and I have to carry around multiple CDs or just listen to the same 11 songs. Also, If you find a band with a few good songs, but you only listen to three or so, do you want to pay for another ten you won't listen to or jsut download those three?

    I get the feeling that you are trying to troll us. This isn't the first time I've thought this while reading one of your posts.

    Secondly, Ipods and Iphones can cost extra after you buy them
    In what ways? I can only think of having it fixed if it's broken or buying new songs. These are both things you will encounter with a Walkman or CD player, though you might just opt to buy a new one instead of having them fixed with those.
  • edited December 2008
    I own a Sansa that I bought for 35 dollars and put Rockbox on.

    Custom firmware, bitches!

    It also has a micro SD slot, so technically my storage capacity is infinite.
  • edited December 2008
    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. If you use the word "lamzor" to describe anything, your argument is instantly considered null and void.
  • edited December 2008
    Walkmens r st00pid ROFFLE
  • edited December 2008
    Thank you Jake.

    I don't own either, but my experience with trying to have a portable music player was just like Andrew's: trying to listen to a CD player on a school bus. Plus, CDs get scratches over time, and cassettes are kind of fragile themselves. When a song is in mp3 form, you can transfer it and play it as many times as you'd like without the quality of the actual music becoming any different. Plus, cassettes and CDs can only hold so much music. Mp3 players (such as an iPod) are convenient in so many ways, that many people find it well worth the extra money.

    I tend not to pay attention to other things when I'm listening to music, so to assure myself that I don't completely blow off a friend of mine from not seeing them and ensuring my own safety while, say, crossing a street, I can go through the day just listening to the noise of everyday life. Respect people's decisions even if you wouldn't make them same choices, and they'll respect you.
  • edited December 2008
    I actually have to agree. I mean, iPods are cool and all, but they cost way too much when compared to other mp3 and video players that cost just a fraction of the price. Two years ago, I would still have bought an iPod because of Apple supposedly being a good company and whatnot, but when I got my iPod its hard drive stopped working after six or seven months, so I used the warranty and took it to the Apple authorized reseller (which cost me $25), waited a month until I got my replacement, and then the new one had a similar problem after two months. That, my good friends, is not what I call a good company. I might as well pay way less and get something just as good.
  • edited December 2008
    I'm pretty sure you were just REALLY unlucky. My mother listens to her iPod all the time and thus runs through them, even so hers all lasted 3 to 4 years, mine I've had for one year, and my brother has had his and used it often for 6 or 7.
  • edited December 2008
    There could be notable differences in the products that make it to Ecuador and the products that are distributed in here in the States.

    That said, I think iPods are pretty pointless much as I think all music players are. For me. I don't have music to put on a player and no desire for any.

    I could be called an Apple hater, but in most cases it's a matter of Apple not creating a product that I have any need or desire for.
  • edited December 2008
    Hamelin wrote: »
    I own a Sansa that I bought for 35 dollars and put Rockbox on.

    Custom firmware, bitches!

    It also has a micro SD slot, so technically my storage capacity is infinite.
    I have one of those, too! Mine cost sixty bucks, but it has a gigabyte of space on it, plus two in the micro SD slot. It also has a radio, a microphone, can store files that aren't music, and plugs right into a USB slot. It is quite awesome.
  • edited December 2008
    I just use my phone for MP3s.
  • edited December 2008
    I'll be honest, I have porn on my iPhone.

    Also, I'm going to pull an Andrew here and bitch about the fact that the correct way one would write any Apple product that begins with "i" is with a lowercase "i" with the second letter in uppercase. iPod, iPhone, iMac, iBook.

    I would also like to point out that I have hacked my iPhone to buggery. Why? Because it's fun and now looks pretty :)

  • edited December 2008
    hlavco wrote: »
    I have one of those, too! Mine cost sixty bucks, but it has a gigabyte of space on it, plus two in the micro SD slot. It also has a radio, a microphone, can store files that aren't music, and plugs right into a USB slot. It is quite awesome.
    Mine has four gigs of space, and since I put Rockbox on it it'll support SDHC cards.

    It was a refurb though, I bought it from woot.com.

    MP3 players that operate as simple hard drives when you plug them in are absolutely excellent. None of this syncing nonsense, drag and drop into a folder is where it's at.
  • edited December 2008
    30 gig ipod, dad bought it for me. I use it as a pocket mirror. I can apply mascara in the back of it.
  • edited December 2008
    I've got an iRiver. It plays Ogg Vorbis.
  • edited December 2008
    So will mine. FLAC too.
  • edited December 2008
    XoLore wrote: »
    There could be notable differences in the products that make it to Ecuador and the products that are distributed in here in the States.

    If that's the case, then we are again speaking about a bad company. I don't think it is though, because my iPod was bought by a friend of mine while he was in the US.
  • edited December 2008
    Hamelin wrote: »
    Mine has four gigs of space, and since I put Rockbox on it it'll support SDHC cards.

    It was a refurb though, I bought it from woot.com.

    None of this syncing nonsense, drag and drop into a folder is where it's at.

    The iPod can do that too. You just click "enable disk use" and "manually manage music" and boom.

    I don't really understand the iPod hate. I'm not really a mac guy, but I've used an iPod and iTunes for years without any issue. I had a 6gb iPod Mini for three years that worked fantastically. Eventually though, I had too much music to fit on it. (~12 gigs) So I got a 80 gb classic over the summer. Now not only can I fit all my music (and a few videos) on there, I have a ~60 gb external hard drive in my pocket wherever I go.
  • edited December 2008
    Wow, say what you will, but this has blossomed into a fucking Ryan discussion.

    And as for grammar, Orwell's probably rolling in his grave.

    Edit: and I wouldn't troll you guys, you guys are awesome.
  • edited December 2008
    Stop saying Ryan. It's not cool anymore.
  • edited December 2008
    Is the word awesome automatically auto-corrected to Ryan when you type it into your post? I guess this post will soon be the judge of that.

    EDIT: Huh. I guess not.
  • edited December 2008
    Takeru wrote: »
    Stop saying Ryan. It's not cool anymore.

    The man speaks with wisdom beyond his years...
  • edited December 2008
    Your MOM is Ryan!...

  • edited December 2008
    As honored as I am, its usage is being forced. It's not really that funny.