It's that time again!

edited January 2009 in General
Time for my near-annual 'I'm still alive!' post.

The lease I have on my current place will be going out on the 16th of Jan, so I'll actually be getting my own internet again sometime around then (all going to plan... so I wouldn't encourage people to hold their breath). Hopefully I'll be back on a regular basis soon though.

I'll be on for about another 4 hrs, then after about a 6-8 hour gap I'll be stealing the computer for pretty much a full day. It would be great to catch up with whoever is around.

I'll be making a blog tomorrow so that I can mass-post about general craziness surrounding me these days etc. Also including anecdotes about cooking, share-house living and typesetting, all with a dose of SCIENCE!


  • edited December 2008
    We haven't really talked ever, but I would love to start. Good to see you're doing okay.
  • edited December 2008
    It's nice when people come back :)
  • edited December 2008
    I demand an update on the contents of a certain bag used for sleeping. And a beard update would be nice, too. oh yeah, and good to hear from you again, etc......
  • edited December 2008
    I might have to actually use AIM again so we can chat! Do you want a blog set up on For SCIENCE!, or did you find your own space? Glad to see you again, I was just thinking about you and your no-doubt scraggly beard today.
  • edited December 2008
    Well I sure hope you do end up with regular internet access again. It'd be like somebody coming back from the dead or something. In the good way, not the zombie way.
  • edited December 2008
    The zombie way isn't the good way?
  • edited December 2008
    Sleeping bag update: Currently in an entirely different town at my place, but I know for sure there is at least $4 in loose change in it. Probably random pens as well.

    Beard update: Long and scary. It has reached a new height of density. It is now a game board for the greatest drunken invention ever: INVERSE BEARD JENGA. Wherein you see how many chopsticks you can insert into the beard before they fall out. Current record: 16 chopsticks or 12 chopsticks and a wooden spoon.

    Blog is currently on blogspot, I'll throw a link when I actually get some content up (hopefully in a few hours, unless I get attacked by procrastination).
  • edited December 2008
    It's good to have you back!! I really haven't been around to see when you used to post more often, soo it's actually been a really long time since we've actually talked. How's the weather Down Under?
  • edited December 2008
    Hello ok' chap, welcome back to the show and what have you!
  • edited December 2008
    That beard sounds disgusting. I bet you can fit in more chopsticks if you don't wash it.
  • edited December 2008
    We keep running out of chopsticks.

    Hence the wooden spoon.
  • godgod
    edited December 2008
    That may be the best use of a beard that I have ever heard.
  • edited December 2008
    shakeycat wrote: »
    That beard sounds disgusting. I bet you can fit in more chopsticks if you don't wash it.

    How often do guys roll their eyes at you and say "Women." This is exactly how I'd be tempted to react to a comment like this if it were directed at me.

    Just saying.

    EDIT: And I just keep a chin-beard around for ruminating purposes. How can I ruminate without a beard? :)
  • edited December 2008
    Sigh. Women just don't understand beards. I used to keep a goatee, because I also could ruminate and even look dastardly evil while doing it. But the womens here all hate beards, so I've been forced to shave it.
  • edited December 2008
    Really? Oh man. I'm a big fan of the facial hair. The only problem I have with a beard is that I'm REALLY ticklish and if my neck is getting kissed, beards tickle a LOT. But that's not even that huge of a problem, and other than that beards are lovely.
  • edited December 2008
    Although it was more that she said it was disgusting yet proceeded to suggest he doesn't wash it. It's about like saying "I don't like it, but I do like it." It might be an honest statement, but still confusing.
  • edited December 2008
    Seriously. If I didn't wash it, it'd probably attack me.

    And presumably if it got dirty enough the chopsticks would stick in there. That would just not be a good look. I have standards to maintain as the King of the Hobos.

    I'll try and dig up a picture or two of one of the Jenga games. There's even one version using glowsticks.
  • edited December 2008
    Okay, two double posts in one night. Seniority counts for something, people.

    Tell me what's been happening with you all in the past 9 months to 2 years (the broad spectrum of my internet blackout). It'll be a bit longer before I post the link to my blog because there are a few entries that I'm going to have to re-compose repeatedly until I don't sound like I want to permanently cripple someone.

    I'll still want to permanently cripple that guy, I just don't like having the reputation for being the guy that does that kind of thing anymore.

    SO... back to the diversion from my rage issues: What have you been doing in the past 9 months to 2 years. And from that, what are you aiming for?
  • edited December 2008
    Ryan should grow a full on hobo-beard. Word will spread of the tickles he gives, and ladies will line up at the door.
  • edited December 2008
    Hobo beard does not get ladies lining up. Normal beards maybe. Hobo beards delinitely not. Trust me. I have the SCIENCE! to back this up.

    Also, not everyone can grow a hobo beard. Frankly that's a good thing. I only grew mine because I flat-out hate shaving daily. And trimming is way more effort than I'm willing to expend.
  • edited December 2008
    New people showed up, some people seem to have un-showed up near as I can tell, but I'm not really up to speed on that. I got a job making neat stuff with Flash, and I also made some 6:35 remixes even though Stef has pretty neatly shelved the comic and gone MIA. Mario is still around and kicking about behind a Genius Bar fixing broken Macs. There may have been a podcast or two, and it's possible a comic might have actually updated? (The numbers are still coming in on that one...)

    I don't remember who you do and don't know of those who have been about lately, but I'll see how much I can recall. Others will have to bring up corrections/additions...

    illithid got married and likes to go on about old english liturature and a class he gets to teach in which he managed to have a meaningful discussion about video games that was totally awesome. Serephel is working off in China someplace wooing the womens and probably drinking more than is proper with all the cheap booze available. The British kid gave us a bit of a scare a bit ago, but he's seems to be alright now, thankfully enough. I'm not going into that one. Filleau's in the military and said something about going to Iraq to bring the them the gift of the internet or something to that effect. I wish him the best of luck in that. Hmmmm... Well, DBD was around for awhile though I haven't noted his presence in a while, and noobity even stopped in and said "hi" in his own way, though I think his way bothered some others here? Regardless he didn't stick around too long. Jakey's in California as of late I think, though I'm not certain what he's been up to anymore.

    There was a dunken sailor adventure somewhere and hamelin did a couple pretty awesome things, but that's all been pretty quiet. There was a refridgerator challenge that was quite amusing, but I'm not feeling like digging up links just now.
    Error: Not enough memory to coninue operation.
    (R)etry (A)bort (F)ail?
  • edited December 2008

    Doing well so far. Few things I already knew (I sneaked a couple of AIM convos a few months back), but there are still a lot of unknowns. Fill out the file dump, my friend.
  • edited December 2008

    EDIT: I'll get back to you later. Perhaps someone else add/correct/expand what I got so far.
  • edited December 2008
    Ha, I'm a raging drunk. Yeah, in China I can get a 600mL bottle of beer for about 50 cents or so. Good times.

    Um... we're planning an OB get together next summer! It's still in the planning stages, but in theory Bruce will fly in from the UK, I'll fly in from China, and we're going to migrate our way to California. So if you want to get in on that, let us know. It'll probably be around mid or late August.

    Is that everything? I dunno, I have to go to work now.
  • edited December 2008
    I turned 18 and headed out to college! And now instead of being one of the youngest amongst the forum-goers, I feel like a part of the older group. There have been many younger people to add on to the younger group though; they seem to be inviting their friends, so I'm wondering if they're all plotting against us all :)
  • edited December 2008
    We're not at least I'm not.
  • edited December 2008
    I have no friends outside the forum that are on the forum. However, I have one friend who soon might join.
    Furthermore, how might we conspire against you? Plan some hostile takeover? We're shorter, less tech-savvy, and don't regularly talk to each other, as far as I know. Carter is probably the only one of us younglings that regularly talks to you guys, and I don't even know if he qualifies for the young group, or if he is in limbo. From our side, we're probably lucky you guys let us stay on.
  • edited January 2009
    I'm neutral in this conflict and feel the need to inform the older group that the younglings are indeed conspiring against you and have placed snipers on roofs around all your homes.
  • edited January 2009
    God that's an awesome profession. Especially when the government backs you and you can run around taking jobs.
  • edited January 2009
    okay I lied I lied please don't ban me

    (you've got three hours twenty-seven minutes three seconds and counting)