While that quote may eliminate Mario's confusion, his question was still asked. What is effeminate about hamburgers? I guess the most effeminate thing about hamburgers is that you can have sex with them.
I think I'm gonna ask my ex out again during Valentine's day. It may not work, just like what happened last time, and she's in New York now, but I really don't care anymore.
Man, that sounds like a bad idea with a capital BAD IDEA. Why don't you tell us the whole story, and we'll impart advice. I'd hate to see you hit a downward spiral.
It's all good in the hood, don't worry. It's pretty much the same girl I've been fawning over for years, and I think she misses me too. Either way, it doesn't matter. I'll probably spend the night with my f-buddy.
That's not the story at all. You mentioned it. You want us to be interested in your life. Now you've got to ante up.
Where did you meet here? What are her interests? What do you two have in common? What are some cool things you did together? How many seasons was your romantic tension milked before they wrote her out of the show?
Alright, well. Atleast you're hanging out with your friend-buddy on V-day. It's good to not be alone. Keep in mind that you have needs, though, sir. A man needs more than just people to be friends with. Benefits you, I hope my advice does.
Don't worry, bra. I've already had a lot of relationship problems, so I don't really feel like I need anymore advice, because quite frankly, I'm sick of hearing it. But I know it helps anyways.
Ah, yes. Valentines day. Quite possibly the least meaningful day of the year for me. I will probably be either helping a friend with similarly little use for this holiday assemble a computer. And I'll probably be ordering parts for a computer of my own. My boot drive is slowly dying and my compy is a relic of 2003. I needs me a new rig.
What the hell is effeminate about hamburgers? Burgers are downright manly!
Real men don't cook their own hamburgers. Real men make blood sacrifices to the Hamburger Gods before attacking the next tribe over in an orgy of violence. If they are found worthy, there will be cooked hamburgers when they return.
I've been eschewing Valentine's Day for many years now, so I can't remember any gifts I've received except for my mother's obligatory box of chocolates.
Although my friend received Fallout 3 from his mother as an early Valentine's Day gift. That's pretty sweet.
Haha. My Valentine's gifts have included mostly just personal stuff I've made for Eric. If you count all the others.... so far I've given him a card, a card, a box, annnd a little scuplture majig. Lame gifts, yeah. Christmas I usually spend all my moneys, so Valentine's Day it's nice to just make something.
One year, we went for dinner at my favourite Mexican restaurant. It was fairly empty, with just one or two other couples dining. The unfortunate part is that there was a television over the bar playing Spongebob Squarepants. My boyfriend, and the boyfriend of the other girl dining there, were both fixated on Spongebob. So very romantic.
The best one was in Japan. It was a couple days after Valentine's, the 17th or so. I spent the day with Adam and Ryan at Round 1 Game Centre, which I was introducing them to for the first time. During our three hours there, my cell phone took 3-4 calls from some strange number. As we walked home, I talked to someone at the number and understood that there were chocolates and flowers being delivered, and they wanted to make sure someone was home to receive them.
I arrived home to find the most delicious chocolates from Kobe, roses, and a handwritten note that made my heart jump. I could've sworn the writing was my sweetie's, and was mystified as to how this note from him came with the flowers and chocolate. There was no name given, and he didn't sign himself on the note. He maintained, as we spoke online, that it was some mystery person sending me things.
I found out later that he had not written the note, and that someone at the flower/chocolate company had.
Every. single. time.
Erm... roses and chocolate?
I am serious. =[
A hamburger cookbook is a solid Valentine's Day gift, though.
Should be awesome.
Shit I'm drunk
The anniversaries have been pretty nice too
Also, is missus a common term for a girlfriend as well as wife? I was under the impression it was solely spousal.
It is, but a lot of people use it just for a general reference to fmale paretner.±
Where did you meet here? What are her interests? What do you two have in common? What are some cool things you did together? How many seasons was your romantic tension milked before they wrote her out of the show?
So I guess I'm maybe getting myself a computer?
I wish I had a fuck buddy. : (
Although my friend received Fallout 3 from his mother as an early Valentine's Day gift. That's pretty sweet.
One year, we went for dinner at my favourite Mexican restaurant. It was fairly empty, with just one or two other couples dining. The unfortunate part is that there was a television over the bar playing Spongebob Squarepants. My boyfriend, and the boyfriend of the other girl dining there, were both fixated on Spongebob. So very romantic.
The best one was in Japan. It was a couple days after Valentine's, the 17th or so. I spent the day with Adam and Ryan at Round 1 Game Centre, which I was introducing them to for the first time. During our three hours there, my cell phone took 3-4 calls from some strange number. As we walked home, I talked to someone at the number and understood that there were chocolates and flowers being delivered, and they wanted to make sure someone was home to receive them.
I arrived home to find the most delicious chocolates from Kobe, roses, and a handwritten note that made my heart jump. I could've sworn the writing was my sweetie's, and was mystified as to how this note from him came with the flowers and chocolate. There was no name given, and he didn't sign himself on the note. He maintained, as we spoke online, that it was some mystery person sending me things.
I found out later that he had not written the note, and that someone at the flower/chocolate company had.
I even took a picture.