Legend of Zelda: now featuring... trains?
Apparently, Hyrule gets some sort of Industrial Revolution. I'm really not sure what to think of this, and apparantly this has been known for two weeks or so. Am I the only one who was caught off guard by this?
Couldn't agree more. And now that I think back a bit, the sailing problem was pretty much solved in Phantom Hourglass with the map being smaller so there was less water to boringly sail through.
Also, I really enjoyed the sailing in Wind Waker... it made the world seem more vast and uncharted to me. Of course, I would have been pissed if they never gave you a teleportation song, but as there is one, I really liked the travel.
I'm actually kind of disappointed to see this as the next Zelda game. I've been playing through a lot of old Zelda games lately, and just earlier today I was complaining, "Shouldn't there be a new Zelda game in the makes right about now? Nintendo's due to make another one pretty soon here."
It might be because I've been playing through Majora's Mask lately, but... I dunno. I just liked the style of Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time better. Twilight Princess was really fun, but I've only ever beaten it once since it was so time-consuming. Majora's Mask is time consuming, but everything starts over after that 3 day limit and so its replay value is really high, haha. Ocarina of Time isn't that long, so I can go back and replay that a whole bunch too.
Even Windwaker I was able to play through twice, and I've slowly been going through the game a 3rd time recently. I... I dunno what I wanted. Going back to the Windwaker graphics and using trains wasn't what I had in mind though. I want a game where the characters are just as developed as they were in Majora's Mask.
My parents never did get me any to my memory though. Probably for the best.
Why the hell did the kids have TVs on their heads WHILE THEY WERE IN THE TV?! Is this some sort of crazy object inside itself thing.
My problems with this game:
-It's for DS. I want a WII zelda game.
-Same graphics/similar monsters as Phantom Hourglass, which wasn't that great.
-The train. Seriously?
Just...that whole video made me rage harder and harder the longer I watched.
I was afraid Miyamoto would mess up somehow with Zelda soon...
I'd expect something this bad out of sonic maybe, but Zelda always stayed true to its roots.
I'm gona go cry now, brb.
As for handheld Zeldas, Minish Cap and the game boy ones are my favorites though.