Join my new religion!

edited July 18 in Tech

We believe that Steve Jobs is the apple gods prophet, who brought about apples second coming during the era of darkness of the early-mid nineties.

We also believe that the Apple God looks like the smiley face

The Apple God

We also believe that OS X is the divine OS, which was handed down by the apple god.

The Prophet.

Terms and Conditions:
There is a $129 entrance fee.


  • edited March 2006
    That's no smiley face! That's a guy sticking his toungue out to catch a fly on it!
  • edited March 2006
    There is no God but the Penguin, and Linus is His prophet!
  • edited March 2006
    I have Ubuntu, XP AND OSX currently installed on my computer. Granted, I can't do anything with OSX because it doesn't support most of my hardware, but it's mildly functional.

    I'd switch completely to Linux, but I'm a lazy bastard.
  • edited March 2006
    almost as rediculous as the firefox cult

  • edited March 2006
    hlavco wrote:
    That's no smiley face! That's a guy sticking his toungue out to catch a fly on it!

  • edited March 2006
    That is an awesome re-interpretation of that image.

    I'm stealing that to tell other people if it ever actually comes up in discussion.

    Sadly I can't see it actually coming up in discussion.
  • edited March 2006
  • edited March 2006
    Can we get back to the religion?

    Some more beliefs:

    The world started in 1976, when the holy apple-prophet was sent down to form earth. Any events prior to this are merely false memories/historys implanted in our minds to help us cope.

    The Holy apple-mother is called LISA.

    The anti-apple is the OS-That-Cannot-Be-Named, but it begins with W.

    Our version of Christmas is January 24th, when our Apple-Macssiah was born.
  • godgod
    edited March 2006
    and lemme guess...
    when he dies he will come back to life to help some people with a computer thing and have another holiday, right
  • edited March 2006
    I don't find this thread to be particularly clever. Also, the "OS-That-Cannot-Be-Named" starts with an 'M' (not a 'W'), as do all 'M'-made products.
  • edited March 2006

    I think you'll find Windows CE doesn't begin with Microsoft, its just Windows CE.
  • edited March 2006
    You would think the world would be at least slightly older than that, since Jobs was born in the '50s. Plus, it makes more sense to me to think that there was a state of chaos that was reformed by the Apple God. It's more compelling to think that the divine has helped us through strife, rather than that we were born into some uneventful Apple-induced Utopia.

    Lastly, can Apple create a program so advanced that not even it can execute it?
  • edited March 2006
    Of course, the downside of the Apple religion is that acolytes must have all but one of their fingers removed.
  • edited March 2006
    Yes. He can. Ever hear of copland?

    And DI: Mighty mouse.
  • edited March 2006
    I recently finished a class to learn the ways of the mac. As a result, I must ask, can I subscribe to your hell?
  • edited March 2006
    Buy OS X Tiger and a macintosh, and use it.

    Then you're in automatically. THERE IS NO ESCAPE! (Except uninstalling)
  • edited March 2006
    ...I was asking about the hell bit. I actually find I really hate OSX. I really don't like Apple's arrogance. They keep wanting me to think they are better, but I have yet to use a product of theirs that satisfied me. That includes iPods.
  • edited March 2006
    ....You.......Are entitled to your opinions.
  • edited March 2006
    Linux has run on PPCs for years, and Apple's moving to Intel now anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
  • edited March 2006
    But who's going to be releasing PowerPC-driven computers to the consumer market when Apple's out of the picture? Not that I'm worried about IBM's ability to stay afloat, as they're keeping themselves plenty busy making the processors for all three next-gen game consoles.
  • edited March 2006
    Throw Linux on a PS3 and have at it.