TA Spring

edited June 2009 in Games
Just downloaded this game today and it's pretty neat. It's basically free RTS engine made to be compatible with Total Annihilation (the best RTS ever made) but with a load of enhancements to bring things more up-to-date (such as full 3D, for starters.) Technically if you want to use it to actually play Total Annihilation you need to own the original game but there've also been a few original RTSs built on the engine (as well as some not-so-original ones.

I've only been playing it for a couple of hours now so I can't really give detailed impressions yet. Considering what I was expecting from an open source project like this one it's fairly user-friendly (basically you download the lobby program which then allows you to automatically download and install the various mods and maps that you need to run the game) but things can still be a bit overwhelming. Still, considering that the game is free and available for all major operating systems I'd recommend that you try it for a bit, and maybe we can get some official Orange Belt matches set up some time in the future.