Could I get some nerdy beats?

edited July 18 in Music
Hey my birthday is coming up, and I want to stock up on nerdy music so I can burn a CD my guests will enjoy. I have some songs from downloading and ripping from my CD collection, but not nearly enough to fill a CD. I figure you guys might know some good songs and I trust your taste, so I thought I'd ask you for help finding more.

For reference here's what I have:
  • The Sarah Palin Rap (from SNL)
  • Some Flight of the Conchords songs
  • A 8-Bit version of Never Gonna Give You Up
  • Re: Your Brains
  • Now You're a Hero
  • The Astley/Nirvana Mash up Mario Posted in the Youtube thread
  • Showtime (A.k.a. "STRIFE!")

Pretty pathetic eh? I'll probably end up padding it with weird Al and Simpsons songs.
