Picture Related
I got an idea! I will post an image, and then somebody will post an image that is related to it somehow. Let's see if we can keep a long train going...and see how we can connect seemingly unrelated things. Kind of like that feature in MAD magazine. Here's an example:
Pokémon->Japan->Sea of Japan->Loch Ness->Loch Ness Monster->King Kong
I'll start with...
The Civil War
Pokémon->Japan->Sea of Japan->Loch Ness->Loch Ness Monster->King Kong
I'll start with...
The Civil War
Republican Party
Nationalised Healthcare
The Tenth Doctor
Jelly Babies
The hidden arrow in the FedEx logo
Chemical notation of the resonance structure of a molecule of Benzene.
Sodium and water reaction!
Salt lick.
Conker's Bad Fur Day
In Ancient Rome, after expelling feces, a communal sponge was then used, which was then rinsed in a bucket of salt water.
Paris Hilton
A snail infested with a brain-controlling parasite.
Since, you know, when Paras evolves into Parasect the Pokedex says that the mushrooms take over the mental functions of the organism...
Nudibranch, which is a bright colored sea slug and not, despite the name, a tree with no pants on.
I expect no less from the Orange Belt.
A tree with no pants on