Are you man enough to fight cancer with your face?

edited November 2009 in General
So I just heard about this amazing charity drive that's going on. Mustaches Vs. Cancer. It started today so anyone that wants to join better hurry up. You start clean shaven and grow a mustache from Day 1 (Oct 5th) to Day 56 (Nov 29th). You take a picture of your mustache at least once a week to keep track of progress and people donate money for it.

It's absolutely genius. I'm probably gonna do it, but there's a problem, I have the weakest facial hair ever. I've gone 2 months without shaving before and the results led me to tears. Everyone should definitely help out and register to make up for my pathetic mustache output.


  • edited October 2009
    Oh wow, I'd love to, but my company is hosting a conference this month, and I have another Hong Kong trip coming up, and I just can't look like a porn star for those :(
  • edited November 2009
    Well I would, but if I shave my moustache off, the hobo beard would never work. For the two days that it would be gone...

    Nice idea though.
  • godgod
    edited November 2009
    Wow, how'd I miss that? I might have participated if I knew.
  • edited November 2009
    Well see, now cancer's won because none of you would fight it.
  • edited November 2009
    That's where you're wrong.

    My family just takes it on a one-on-one basis.

    It crops up. We beat the crap out of it.

    The SCIENCTISTS! are the ones that are going to cure it for all, so give them money. Less 10% for me as a finders fee.