I'm going home.

This AmeriCorps VISTA thing just didn't work out for me, I've been miserable at the job, missed my friends and family desperately, and felt isolated and alone.

So, today I admitted that this program wasn't for me, ended my service early on good terms, and I'm going back to Michigan as soon as I can.

It was a really difficult decision. Really difficult. I've been agonizing over it for two weeks now.

I'm trying really hard to not see this as a failing, but just as the knowledge that this isn't what I should be doing for my own well-being and happiness.

So. Yeah. I guess I'm unemployed again.


  • edited December 2009
    Don't take it as failure, dude. If you're miserable, that's more than enough reason to do something else. Life is too short to sit in jobs that are totally terrible AND keep you isolated from everything. It's one thing to have a bad job, but a bad job that also removes you from everything good about downtime is not worth it.
  • edited December 2009
    If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out.
  • edited December 2009
    Good for you, man. I wish i had your balls. I'm in a job I hate, I have no time to do anything i like, but I'm too scared to leave the safe money and go do something I want to do.
  • edited December 2009
    I went for the first thing that came up that I liked. The work is ok, but financially speaking, I'd be better off unemployed. You never really seem to get your cake and eat it too it seems.
  • edited December 2009
    I don't get that fucking expression. When have ou ever been in posession of cake that you could noit eat? It makes no fucking sense at all.
  • edited December 2009
    It means that if you can't keep your cake if you eat it. Not that you can't eat cake if you're in possession of it.
  • edited December 2009
    How is that any different? Either you have it and you can eat it, or you have it and you can't eat it. Or you have no cake at all. But it clearly states that your starting position is one in which you possess cake. So, why cna't you eat iot? Are you a baker and the cake is prmised to someone else? O really am wondering about thsi now.
  • edited December 2009
    It's understandable that the phrase is confusing, since it's a corruption of an older phrase. The original phrase refers to eating one's cake and having it too. The idea is that you can't partake of something and continue to benefit from its ownership. The phrase is synonymous to "you can't have it both ways". People get mixed up by it because they assume a progression of events (you can certainly have a cake and then eat it, but not the other way around) where none is intended.
  • edited December 2009
    No worries hammy. The point is you got out and tried something new. As someone who movwed to China on a two year contract after spending a month there one summer, I know whats it's like to pick up and move elsewhere to try something new. sometimes it doesn't work out. but you tried, and you can know now that you gave it your best shot. I applaud you for going outside your zone of comfort and trying something new, that takes guts.