I resolve to do 2 things... First, stop drinking pop/soda except in rare occasions. I don't need those empty calories. Second, EXERCISE REGULARLY. I have chubbed out in the last year and a half and I need to get thin again.
From here on out it's all twenty-(current year). Twenty-ten, twenty-eleven, ..., twenty-twenty, etc. Right up to twenty-ninety-nine, then it'll be twenty-one-hundred.
This is the year that keeps on giving! Last week I got a giant bag of Reese's Peanut Butter cups, and this week I come to work and a friend of mine, who was in Australia last week for work, brought me some Nacho Cheese Doritos!
I resolve to do 2 things... First, stop drinking pop/soda except in rare occasions. I don't need those empty calories. Second, EXERCISE REGULARLY. I have chubbed out in the last year and a half and I need to get thin again.
curse you and your living in the future! what's life like in 2010? did we solve all those health care / war / government corruption things yet?
Man! I can't wait for the future. Everything's gonna be so awesome in 2010! No more of this stupid 2009 bullshit.
Two thousand ten?
Twenty ten?
Two zero one zero?
Two aught ten?
It's the future now! Happy New Decade!
EDIT: New Year's resolution! I hereby resolve to use the TimberLake forum theme as default.
2010 is going to make me fat. Well, fatter.