Official Captain Forever/Successor Ship Log

edited March 2010 in Games
At least two of us here bought the second game, so I figure this thread will be ongoing and not die immediately.

Anyways, this is the official OB archive of cool ships you've made and want to show off! I don't have any at the moment sadly, but it will not be long before I do.


  • edited February 2010
    Jolly good idea! I'd love to try out some ships! Though without owning Successor, I might be out of luck. Oh well, I'll still try to post my cool ships. I'd LOVE to get a kickass kilo ship at some point.
  • edited February 2010
    Well it's really kinda crappy as a ship, but it resembles what I've been trending toward. The the scoop part is not out very far and the fact that the guns are in the scoop is a critical flaw. Also I can never take enemy ships head on.

    The ship
  • edited February 2010
    I managed to get that ship to kilo class without much difficulty. So good job.
  • edited February 2010
    That ship does nicely! And playing through with it gave me some great ship design inspiration. Ended up building a killer array or structures in the back of the ship protecting thrusters from attack.
  • edited February 2010
    Successor Ship

    I would've done better, but I was already seeing Juliet class ships.

    My one problem with Successor is that I can never EVER find engines.
  • edited February 2010
    Successor Ship

    I too had a hell of a time finding engines, but the firepower was nice.


    It's a friggin' tank.
  • edited February 2010
    Damn man, your ships are huge!!!
  • edited February 2010
    Another massive Successor ship

    I took an extremely slow approach to this ship (1.5 hours!), and it seemed to pay off; despite somewhat weak firepower, I eventually got it to duke a Kilo-class. Didn't beat him, but it was a hell of a ride. It took me FOREVER to find ships with constant thrust, and it's a pain to have only burst thrusters for the majority of a session. I was honestly surprised it took out a Juliet-class ship with such lousy guns. The Juilet thrusters are placed rather haphazardly, as they tend to be when the Kilos come a-knockin'. ^__^
  • edited February 2010
    That is an impressively long url.
  • edited February 2010

    I was doing so damn well with this one until I tried to drag one of the internal thrusters away to put new ones on... I accidentally ripped off the whole right arm of the ship. Fuck fuck fuck. Oh well, I experimented with a few things I've seen from your Forever ship designs and I liked what I came up with. I thoroughly enjoy the "engine room" thing I did with this ship, and I feel like side lasers are the way to go. I never go head-on with a ship, so why put all the lasers in the front? Putting them on the side let me maneuver much better, stay away from THEIR lasers, and blast them to hell. Just takes a bit more practice.
  • edited February 2010
    Your thinking does seem inline with what I was doing, but is indeed showing an attempt to fix some shortcomings. I would tend to load a bunch of guns on my side eventually along with a mix of lesser thrusters to improve my turning so I know what you mean with the side guns. I just kept losing my side guns though and sometimes like to get right behind them so I sill put my stronger guns up front where they were less exposed. They also acted as armor to a degree. The wider wings definitely help get more turning torque and putting the higher grade thrusters pointing forward actually gives you some backing power rather than simple brakes, so that's good stuff. Still I prefer to to build off the back end more and try to guard those inner links better. As you found you can lose a ton by losing a single inner strut.
  • edited February 2010
    Yeah, your design is still better, I think. I just wish I could see the Successor ships!

    But my main point was to give kudos to you... I hadn't even realized before that you could put all your thrusters inside the ship, so thanks. =D
  • edited March 2010
    Still playin' right now but this is getting ridiculous...

    EDIT: The "KiloKrusher" is currently on the prowl.

    EDIT2: Fun with prismatic lasers.

    I got bored and quit after over 3 hours of logged time. Do I win yet?
  • edited March 2010
    I..... w.... ajbuh?

    HOLY FUCK. It's.... beautiful....
  • edited March 2010
    Muahahahaha? Don't ask. I got lucky as hell. Ripping down to the core with kilo stuff was a beast. It's scary ripping away almost half your ship when some big cruiser could come any second...

    And that orange shield ball is neat too. Caught me by surprise when a little red ship came along sporting that and smashed a kilo girder and a few choice guns off me...
  • edited March 2010
    Yeah, what the crap is that thing? I've never seen anything like it.
  • edited March 2010
    That... is supposed to only be in Captain Successor.... Easter Egg, coding error? or glitch? No matter, that's kickass.
  • edited March 2010
    Them's some beautiful Kilo-class armaments. Nice to see the scoop design at work! Successor's got a lot of cool extras like that reflector shield.
  • edited March 2010
    Captain Impostor is released.
  • edited March 2010
    And I LOVE IT.
  • edited March 2010
    I like it, though managing your point level is a bit difficult.