
  • edited May 2010
    I payed a dollar to see if it would work. It did and I feel bad now...
  • edited May 2010
    Those games look fun, but I don't have any money and don't want to be a jerk and take them for like a penny or something.

    Edit: NoLonger just got me them aparently, you totally didn't have to dawg. Thanks! Your the man.
  • edited May 2010
    Who's done it already? A friend of mine did it and he said the download didn't start for him or something.
  • edited May 2010
    They send you an email with a link to the downloads.
  • edited May 2012
    OMG! The newest bundle has Psychonauts, Amnesia, Limbo, Superbrothers: Swords and Sworcery EP; and if you pay more than the average (About $6.50 now) you also get Bastion; AND the soundtracks for them all.

    Edit: That Average is going up super quick this time it seems. It's already at $7.50, though to be fair, Bastion IS pretty great. Also, apparently I forgot to link the site? Derp.
  • edited June 2012
    (Double Post) They've just added Braid, Super Meat Boy, and Lone Survivor to the mix.

    This is pretty much the best deal to ever exist.
  • edited June 2012
    They sure know how to tempt a guy.
  • edited June 2012
    I was super worried that because I already purchased the bundle, I wouldn't get the new games. Yay for companies that aren't evil!
  • edited June 2012
    I don't need new games, but at the same time, I really want to buy it.
  • edited June 2012
    Then do it to support awesome indie developers and also-awesome charities. I haven't gotten around to playing my purchases yet, but I've heard great things about Braid and Limbo, so I'm looking forward to it.
  • edited June 2012
    They're all VERY Very good games. Only 4 days left.
  • edited June 2012
    I bought 'em. Maybe eventually I'll even play them.
  • edited June 2012
    Started playing Bastion the other day. The gameplay is decent, but I'm LOVING the soundtrack and story presentation so far.
  • edited June 2012
    I've been grabbing the Humble Bundles since the third one. Unfortunately, my computer is too crappy to even install most of the games in there, so I've been just stockpiling the download links. Some day, though...