Best of: Orangebelt Archives
My sole purpose in making this thread was to force you all to relive this as I did when I was browsing aimlessly in the Hate Contemptable Hate thread:
Night Lord wrote: »I go to brush my teeth. My dad was in the bathroom a few minutes before me. Upon turning the tap I feel something sticky on it. I won't beat around the bush, it was semen.
My dad's semen.
My dad's cold, post-wank semen.
Fucking hell!
Thank you so goddamn much.
I don't even think the biscuit dough is mine, it's probably my roommate's. If so, I'll see which food item I own is the closest to the bottom right corner and just combine that instead. I think it's spaghetti sauce? Delicious
If it isn't I'm royally screwed.
EDIT: Just read through this thread, it was good for a giggle.