What the fuck, guys?

edited August 2010 in General
Being a grown up is hard. How do you oldies put up with this shit. I don't have enough time in the day to do absolutely everything that I want to do.

So what's up? Have I missed anything in the past few months? I'm just gonna assume that Lauren and Jon have fused into the ultimate being, one that has the power of not only breasts, but beards as well.


  • edited August 2010
    Yeah that happened.
  • edited August 2010
    Just wait until you realize it's 2013 and you've done shit all in the past three years.

    Try getting up earlier on weekends.
  • edited August 2010
    I try to convince myself that having very little free time and having to constantly feel anxious about all the stuff I need to do that I'm not doing is a worthy price to pay for developing my career.

    Other than that, not much else is up.
  • edited August 2010
    I just checked. I don't have boobs.

    Lauren may have stolen some of my beard whilst I wasn't looking though.
  • edited August 2010

    To answer your question, being a grown up sucks ass. If you have a job, then you work all the time. You don't have the time for video games like you used to. And you don't get vacations like in school either. Unless you go into education. Which I didn't.

    Plus, since I work in China, I don't celebrate your capitalist holidays. I don't get Christmas or Thanksgiving off, but I do get Chinese holidays.

    Also, Andrew is right on. You'll be making sacrifices to 'develop a career'. I don't intend to stay in China forever; I'm pretty much only here because I'm hoping US and other Western companies will throw large bags of money at me when they find out I worked in a Chinese firm for several years.
  • edited August 2010
    Geez, this all sucks.

    I've always viewed work as just the means to fund life outside of work. But now that work is starting to intrude onto the rest of my life, I feel like I'm sacrificing my free time so I can have enough money to buy things that I won't have the time to fully enjoy. Weak.
  • edited August 2010
    Basically the think I aim for is to get a job where you get along with the people you work with.

    Then get good enough at your job that you can spend most of the time slacking off.

    The final goal being that you are essentially being paid to hang out with your mates for 8 hours.

    Or break your back and get sickness benefits. That kinda works in the short-term.
  • edited August 2010
    I think what sucks is the preparation FOR your job. During the summer I worked two retail jobs to make ends meet because you don't get paid for the summer when you're not a full-time teacher. This year I'm going to have to teach part-time because I don't have enough experience to teach full-time and I'm moving in a year. Megan will be in school for 3 years, then I might be in school for 5 more.

    BUT, once all this is done and we both have the degrees and experience we want, we can get jobs that will give us a steady workload, decent money, and less stress about the future.

    We just have to work hard to get there. It'll all pay off. I hope.
  • edited August 2010
    Incoming forum name change to Amoeba Man?
  • edited August 2010
    That is a pretty good idea. But there's no way I could call myself a proper man, I don't even have a beard!
  • edited August 2010
    I'm can become a real man in other ways.

    Go fight a bear.
  • edited August 2010
    Seriously, bears have all-over beards. If you can beat one of them bare-handed, I think you get inducted into the Man Hall of Fame automatically.
  • edited August 2010
    Actually, there are two inductions into the Man Hall of Fame for that. One induction is for you, and the other induction is for your giant balls.
  • edited August 2010
    Wouldn't that be 3 inductions? One for you and one for each of your balls...
  • edited August 2010
    You could, but I think they'd feel lonely if you did them separately. After all, it was a joint effort.