Celebrity Doubles: Belt Edition
Now, we all know Jake looks like Kevin Smith. This is an irrefutable fact.
But which celebrity do you look like? According to my friend, I look like the author William Makepeace Thackery.
But just stating which celebrity double you look like isn't enough. To add a bit more spin, you have to get a photo of yourself purposely looking like your double!
Here's mine:

Bruce Taylor

William Makepeace Thackery
Now your turn!
But which celebrity do you look like? According to my friend, I look like the author William Makepeace Thackery.
But just stating which celebrity double you look like isn't enough. To add a bit more spin, you have to get a photo of yourself purposely looking like your double!
Here's mine:

Bruce Taylor

William Makepeace Thackery
Now your turn!
Come on, find yourself a paperclip and make it happen.
Sorry Ryan...