I wrote a new song! It is called I <3 You Internet AND THERE'S MORE...

edited October 2010 in Arts and Crafts
Yo team!

New song up, called I <3 You Internet! You will like it because it name-checks things like Foursquare. WHICH YOU TOTALLY USE.

Also you will like it because:

1. I sing it dressed like Ramona Flowers


2. It provides a succinct answer to the question of whether or not I am Mario's sweetie. (Never mind that Mario provided his own answer on that other thread. This is MY answer.)

Link is here! Start listening NOW!


  • edited October 2010
    All I could hear coming out of your mouth was "Beauty school drop out"...
  • edited October 2010
    I love this song! And seriously guys, I know there are a lot of Scott Pilgrim fans here, so go check out her excellent Ramona costume.

    Sweetie status: CONFIRMED