Tabletop RPGs

edited December 2010 in Games
While running my Pathfinder Campaign I found I needed to make a new class for some of the characters. I've decided I might as well pitch it to you guys and see if you think it's balanced with the other Pathfinder Classes, and at the same time create a thread for any other user created Tabletop RPG features you guys want to share.

In case you don't know what the classes for Pathfinder actually do, but still want to help me out on this, there's a Resource Doc here:

Without further ado, the class itself.

Circle Mage

Alignment: Any

HD: d6.

Base Attack Bonus: Poor (same as sorcerer)

Good Saves: Will (same as sorcerer)

Poor Saves: Fort, Ref (same as sorcerer)

Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha)

Skill Ranks per level: 2 + Int

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Circle mages are proficient with all simple weapons, starknives, whips, and spiked chains. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields. A starknife, two sickles, a whip, or a spiked chain can be used to make a circle, however creating a circle with a whip or spiked chain (whip circling) requires a combat maneuver check (DC 15 + opponent's CMD, Must have the Agile Maneuvers feat). Starknives are already circles and do not require an action to use them as circles; making a circle from two sickles is a move action; whip circling is a standard action and provokes attacks of opportunity. All circles made in this way are quick circles. Circle spells can be cast while wearing light armor without incurring the normal circle failure chance (This is the same as the arcane spell failure chance). Like any other spell, circle spells cast while wearing medium or heavy armor incurs a chance of a circle failure.

Circle Spells: Circle spells require that a magic circle be "accessed" to function, you can only access a circle that is up to a yard in diameter per circle mage level. The circle must be created before the circle spell can be cast and the circle spell's effect must centered somewhere within this circle. (You can also choose to contain the circle spell's effect to the circle if you so desire.) Circle spells with a duration that includes the concentration of the caster no longer require concentration (they last until you release them or access another circle), but can not extend outside the circle, other circle spell durations are unaffected. Circle spells with a range of personal or touch, or only affect a certain number of creatures, are applied to the same number creatures as normal, but all creatures must be in the circle at the time of casting (you choose which targets are affected, regardless of range), all circle spells have unlimited range and can be activated as long as you know the exact location of and can access the circle. These circles can be created with just about anything, chalk, ink, metal, wood, they can even be a circular hole in the ground. Drawing a circle, because it must be perfect, takes about 5 minutes, however a quick circle can be drawn within a 5 foot by 5 foot space as a full-round action. Quick circles are difficult to access and require a Concentration check (DC 5 for every foot of the circle's diameter), this Concentration check must be taken every time you access any quick circle, it is not affected in any way by other circumstances requiring a Concentration check, those other Concentration checks are taken or not taken as normal, if you fail this Concentration check the circle spell fails and is wasted, but the circle may be used again (requiring another Concentration check). All circle spells have an instant casting time, however accessing a circle is a swift action. Verbal, focus, and material components are still required to cast a circle spell, but somatic components are excluded.
A circle mage casts arcane circle spells drawn primarily from the sorcerer/wizard spell list presented in Chapter 10 (can not cast Wizard only spells). Circle spells can be cast, so long as a circle is present, without preparing them ahead of time. To learn or cast a circle spell, a circle mage must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a circle mage's circle spell is 10 + spell level + the circle mage's Intelligence modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a circle mage can cast only a certain number of circle spells of each spell level per day. His base daily circle spell allotment is given on the Table 3-14 (The sorcerer spells per day table). In addition, he receives bonus circle spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score (see Table 1-3).
A circle mage's selection of spells is extremely limited. A circle mage begins play knowing four 0-level circle spells and two 1st-level circle spells of his choice. At each new circle mage level, he gains one or more new circle spells, as indicated on Table 3-15 (The sorcerer spells known table). (Unlike spells per day, the number of circle spells a circle mage knows is not affected by his Intelligence score; the numbers on Table 3-15 are fixed.) These new circle spells can be common circle spells chose from the sorcerer/wizard spell list, of they can be unusual circle spells that the circle mage has gained some understanding of through study.
Upon reaching 4th level. And at every even-numbered circle mage level after that (6th, 8th, and so on), a circle mage can choose to learn a new circle spell in place of one he already knows. In effect, the circle mage loses the old circle spell in exchange for the new one. The new circle spell's level must be the same as that of the circle spell being exchanged. A circle mage may swap only a single circle spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the circle spell at the same time that he gains new circle spells known for the level.
Unlike a wizard or cleric, a circle mage need not prepare his spells in advance. He can cast any circle spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his spells per day for that spell level.
To use a metamagic feat with a circle spell you must both have the metamagic feat and have a special metamagic circle, complete with complex patterns and incantations, for use with that specific set of metamagic feats. Drawing a metamagic circle takes an hour for every extra spell slot higher than normal that the metamagic feats increase the spell level. Metamagic circles can be used as normal circles, but if they are used as metamagic circles they must use any and all the metamagic feats they were designed for or the circle spell fails and is wasted. Crafted metamagic circles must be masterwork. Metamagic circles can not be quick circles. Metamagic feats otherwise function as normal.

Cantrips: Circle mages learn a number of cantrips, or 0-level circle spells, as noted on Table 3-15 under “Spells Known.” These circle spells are cast like any other circle spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.

Circle Magic: As a spell like ability circle mages can control the basic elements within a circle they have accessed and may summon or desummon (from the elemental planes) and control, the following elements in a circle: fire, ice/water, (spikes or weapons made of ice deal 1d6 damage, do not add in the weilder's strength score, and break after they have attack, regardless of if they hit or miss.) air, and earth (can not create metal or other precious material) (See pages 442-445 for element effects). Only one element can be controlled at a time and a circle spell and circle magic can not be used in the same circle at the same time. Using ability this is a swift action.

Eschew Materials: A circle mage gains Eschew Materials as a bonus feat at 1st level.

Agile Maneuvers: A circle mage gains Agile Maneuvers as a bonus feat at 5th level.

Combat Expertise: A circle mage gains Combat Expertise as a bonus feat at 10th level. If you are unable to make the prerequisites than the feat is still gained, but can not be used until you meet the prerequisites.

Improved Whip Circling: A circle mage gains Improved Whip Circling as a bonus feat at 15th level. If you are unable to make the prerequisites than the feat is still gained, but can not be used until you meet the prerequisites.

Greater Whip Circling: A circle mage gains Greater Whip Circling as a bonus feat at 20th level. If you are unable to make the prerequisites than the feat is still gained, but can not be used until you meet the prerequisites.

Starting Age: Complex

Starting Wealth: 3d6 x 10gp (105gp)


  • edited December 2010
    Double Post because I exceeded the character count limit by a few hundred.

    This class also requires two new feats, so I'll post them too.

    Improved Whip Circling: You are skilled at creating a perfect circle with a whip or chain.
    Prerequisites: Dex 17, Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, this feat can not be obtained, except as a stated in a class feature.
    Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a whip circling combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to whip circle. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to whip circle you.
    Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a whip circling combat maneuver.

    Greater Whip Circling: You can make free attacks on foes as you whip circle them.
    Prerequisites: Dex 19, Improved Whip Circling, this feat can not be obtained, except as stated in a class feature.
    Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to whip circle a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Whip Circling. Whenever you successfully whip circle an opponent, you make may an attack of opportunity on that opponent (If you whip circle multiple opponents you may make an attack of opportunity on each of them).
    Normal: Creatures do not provoke attacks of opportunity from being whip circled.

    Please state your praise, criticisms, spelling/grammar errors, and/or balancing concerns now.