Endless Homestuck Thread



  • edited June 2013
    Hiatus ended a couple days ago. Here's where it picks up.
  • edited June 2013
    It is a good thing...well, kinda. Caliborn is still really annoying.
  • edited June 2013
    Don't worry, there's some quality non-Caliborn once you get past the Caliborn.
  • edited October 2014
    Just in case anybody hasn't been watching:
    "Next update is 10/25."
  • edited October 2014
    Thanks, just got caught up. Hopefully I've waded through all the horrible manga fanart-style art for now.
  • edited October 2014
    Funny that mspa has started up again and I could repost my previous comment and it would once again be true.
    XoLore wrote: »
    It is a good thing...well, kinda. Caliborn is still really annoying.
  • I'd say I barely follow what's actually going on with Homestuck since it restarted, but I'm not sure I ever really understood what was going on at any given time. It's like the sort of comic where tons of information gets thrown at you and it only starts to make a weird sort of sense later on. The sort of sense strange dreams make while you're having them.
  • Yeah, the comic is great but I always need to have it explained to me. It was great when I was reading through the archives the first time, because I had a different forum's MSPA thread opened up in a different tab. So I'd read a few comics, and then switch over and read the corresponding forum posts. But now I'm pretty much on my own.
  • I've found with the latest windy thing storyline that I need to skip the password entry screens and read ahead a few pages to remember the context of the past comic before going back to see the change John makes. But overall it's a fun experience, reading a story in a different way.

    I was originally super-excited about the video game, but then they parted ways with the developer and now I have no clue how things are going on that front. Looking forward to seeing how the comic concludes though!
  • On the subject of conclusions, the final stretch has begun and is on a course to finish up on the anniversary. I'd be a bit sad in some ways to part ways with this comic, but the large breaks have broken me of any particular habit of reading it so I'm actually pretty ready for it to end.

    Also it's been like 7 years? As we all know, anything other than seven years later is either too little or too much time for events of significance to have occurred.
  • I used to be way into Homestuck, but during the long break I lost track of which panel I was up to and now I have no idea how I'll ever be able to find it again. Guess I'll have to start from somewhere in the middle.
  • Spent all of last night catching up, just watched the end of Act 6 video. Epic battle with a lot of intricacies going on... but agreed, it's impossible to keep up with everything that's happened.

    That said, Dad got to get his punch on.