Fuck this, I'm going to throw myself off a goddamn sheer elevation!

edited April 2011 in General
For cheese.

You see, in the UK there is this annual festival called the Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling. The gist of it basically is that they throw a big fucking hunk of cheese down a hill and you chase the fucker down. Does that sound simple?

This is the hill:


Not so fucking simple now, eh?

Basically, the hill is very high and very steep. To enter you need to climb to the top and then get ready to run down the thing at full fucking pelt. Now, not only is it steep and high, it is very uneven. Injuries along the lines of sprains, breakages and cuts are common.

So what, eh? Nothing too serious! What's the worst that can happen? A broken arm? Fuck that noise! Where do I sign up?


Yeah, a couple of concussions, spinal injuries and broken necks have occurred over the years.

Oh, and think you're safe at the bottom? How do you think they stop you? With a nice padded wall or something safe like that? No. A line of men who were to chickenshit to run down the hill. To stop you have to slam into these men. If they fail to stop you (And they no doubt will), you get to meet your old friend: wonky metal railings which are the only thing stopping you plunging over the edge of a goddamn precipice.


But it's worth it, man. Worth it for the cheese! Behold:


That's not all, of course. It isn't just about the cheese *Cue swelling orchestral score* It's about proving yourself, not only to your fellow man but to yourself. By successfully completing this test of endurance, and some would say, pure lunacy, you show yourself that you are worth something, and perhaps things will get better. Of course, there are those who say that a man who needs to prove himself through something dangerous like this is no real man, but I'm sure we all know the feeling, the feeling that we need to make ourselves stand out. We are all human after all, with human needs and wants.


Oh, also, there are boobs. I'm sure I mentioned the boobs...


  • edited March 2011
    Night Lord wrote: »

    My neck hurts in anticipation!
  • edited March 2011
    Yeah, I would look pretty damn dapper in that cape...
  • edited March 2011
    You Brits are so awesome.
  • edited March 2011
    All for cheese? How honorable.
  • edited March 2011
    Behold the power of cheese.
  • edited March 2011
    Is it considered bad form to run down the hill in a zig-zag pattern? That would be a good way of decreasing the effective steepness of the hill (and is the main way of controlling your speed when skiing.)
  • edited March 2011
  • edited March 2011
    So basically there like, "hmmm what is a sport that we could create that is more entertaining than curling?" "AHHH! we throw ouselves down a hill, while holding a block of cheese." Win..
  • edited March 2011
  • edited March 2011
    Dang, that looks both extremely dangerous and extremely epic.
    XoLore wrote: »
    Behold the power of cheese.

    "These brave men gave their lives in the name of cheese..."
  • edited March 2011
    I bet this was all organized by the cheese to kill off anyone daring enough to try to stop them.
  • edited March 2011
    Sarge wrote: »
    So basically there like, "hmmm what is a sport that we could create that is more entertaining than curling?" "AHHH! we throw ouselves down a hill, while holding a block of cheese." Win..

    Oh course not. That would just be stupid. They throw the cheese first and then chase it down the hill.
  • edited March 2011
    Oh yeah, it's been cancelled, effectively due to health and safety. A hundreds year old tradition, and poof. :(
  • edited March 2011
    Gah! What ever happened to the concept of signing a goddamn waiver?
  • edited March 2011
    Apparently they can't let people do something completely stupid and hazardous for the sake of fun anymore. Next thing you know they'll ban ridiculously excessive fireworks in the United States. Oh. Wait...
  • edited April 2011
    XoLore wrote: »
    Apparently they can't let people do something completely stupid and hazardous for the sake of fun anymore. Next thing you know they'll ban ridiculously excessive fireworks in the United States. Oh. Wait...

    They're perfectly legal nationally. They're just illegal in certain states.
  • edited April 2011
    I am totally ok with this as an event. Provide lots of pictures please.
  • edited April 2011
    Most states tend to ban the REALLY BIG fireworks though. The ones that could really blow your hand off, y'know?
  • edited April 2011
    The actual complaint wasn't for the competitors. Rather, it was because too many people were showing up to watch. They said it was only safe for about 5000 people at once, but a lot more have been showing up in recent years.
  • edited April 2011
    You could always just do it yourself.
  • edited April 2011
    XoLore wrote: »
    Most states tend to ban the REALLY BIG fireworks though. The ones that could really blow your hand off, y'know?

    Which is one of the reasons I'm petitioning to change my state's motto. "Friendship" is pretty weak. I think "Texas: Because the Rest of Y'all Need to Grow Some Balls" has a nice ring to it, and encapsulates the basic mindset of most of the populace.
  • edited April 2011
    From a purely geographic sense, Texas is like the balls of America.
  • edited April 2011
    Which is one of the reasons I'm petitioning to change my state's motto. "Friendship" is pretty weak. I think "Texas: Because the Rest of Y'all Need to Grow Some Balls" has a nice ring to it, and encapsulates the basic mindset of most of the populace.

    Wait, what is the motto for Texas then? I always thought it was "Everything's bigger in Texas."

    Either way, at this point I would identify with my city's motto better: "Keep Austin weird"

    I think Texas could have a whole bunch of mottos that would work for it.